OIU Volume Five
Part 2 of 2


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Herbert W. Armstrong certainly did find the secret to the "ACTIVE FAITH that people dedicate and sacrifice their lives for at ANY COST." But what makes Armstrong brilliant is how he then proceeded to successfully place an image of GOD at the head of the helm of the same concept that recruited Whittiker Chambers and makes Communism work. HWA so pointedly indicates how intelligent professionals were deceived into A WAY of thinking. Read the book Witness and you too will understand how you were deceived and may very well still live beneath the deception perpetrated by ministers of "faith" indoctrinated by the massive ideological history of the WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD. No matter what organization claims to be the Church of God, the leaders of today were the students of yesterday. Their education was certainly the foundation of their knowledge!

Ah, where would the world be without propaganda? Have you ever wondered why the school system does not cover nineteenth and twentieth century history? How astute are you in understanding the Communist/Fascist Revolutions? How many history books do you have on your shelf that covers such vital topics? Prior to the introduction of radio and television as information sources, the American people assumed more responsibility in understanding current historical events. That's until the boob tube provided the perfect media device for public manipulation. In just a few short decades, millions of thinking brains retired to the easy chair to suck in Rosanne, Seinfeld and Friends, sandwiched between Dan Rather, Larry King and Ted Kopel. Is there any wonder why most Americans know nothing about the Ku Klux Klan, World Wars, Fascism or Communism? And without historical background knowledge, how can current events be understood? The reasons behind the events become categorized by simplistic explanations. The blissful 1980s were pivotal years that changed the course of history as it redirected individual focus onto self-indulgence. The selfish distractions produced a blind public and while few are observing the incredible Global events unfold, even less are aware of the erosion of American democracy. This erosion commenced decades earlier and continues to destroy whatever is left of a free nation. Propagandists conditioned the public into thinking that the threat of Communism ended when the Cold War ceased. How naive and ignorant are we to surrender to such a big lie?

As you read through the next few pages about Communism in America, think about the development and growth of Bible-based, totalitarian cults post World War Two. Consider what is happening with the well-orchestrated Protestant/Catholic Ecumenical Movement. Reflect on the degradation of American society along with the insidious erosion of Constitutional rights, privacy issues, education and religion.

Communism - An American Threat!

Committee On Un-American Activities
House of Representatives
Eighty-seventh Congress
First Session
December 30, 1961

Three References on Communism:

1) On December 30, 1961, the Committee of Un-American Activities issued: The New Role of National Legislative Bodies In The Communism Conspiracy, along with a reprint of, "How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part In the Transition To Socialism" and, "The Role of The Popular Masses," by Jan Kozak, Historian of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.

These government publications document and predict the extraordinary events that were to penetrate America in the coming years.

Introduction: From behind the Iron Curtain, has come one of the most amazing Communist documents of our time. Brazen, boastful and alarmingly frank, it is a detailed account of treachery and intrigue employed by the Reds during the three years preceding their 1948 conquest of Czechoslovakia. The document offers the case history of Czechoslovakia as a Communist blueprint for subversion and coercion in all free world nations. It places special emphasis on the use of parliaments in bringing about Communist revolutions."

"The authorship of the document is of great significance. It was not written by a Kremlin theoretician, but by Jan Kozak, a communist member of the Czechoslovak National Assembly. Kozak, now the official historian of the Czech Communist Party, is a chest-beating, battle-wise conspirator who knows from first-hand experience that bold and deceitful Communist tactics can overcome strategic and numerical disadvantages when the UN-communist opposition fails to comprehend a threat to its existence until it is too late. Kozak was a participant in the new communist parliamentary tactics which proved so successful in achieving and maintaining victory "from within" in Czechoslovakia and other countries that the Kremlin departed completely from long-standing strategy and adopted a new post-revolution role for legislative bodies in Red-conquered nations. Whereas destruction was formerly the Communists' plan for a national legislative institution, it is now their policy to convert it into "an active revolutionary assembly."

"Our experience," says Kozak, "provides notable and practice proof that it is possible to transform parliament from an instrument of the bourgeoisie into an organ of power for the democracy of the working people [i.e. a Communist dictatorship], into a direct instrument of power for the peaceful development of the socialist revolution."

OIU readers may obtain a the full copy of this extraordinary Kozak document through the ESN Resource Listing as the following paragraphs offer only a general synopsis of what is taking place this very day in America.

"Quite obviously, the Communists consider the Kozak document a work of great significance and did not want it disseminated on the free world side of the Iron Curtain. For three years, they resisted all attempts by the West to procure copies of it through normal channels.

The Kozak document provides a unique insight into the techniques employed by the Communists in their takeover of Czechoslovakia and other Eastern European nations which were formerly governed by democratic, parliamentary institutions. By the same token, the committee believes that it serves as a clear warning of how Communists in this country will attempt to subvert the Congress, as well as state and local legislatures, if unwary voters present them with the opportunity to do so. The history of the fall of Czechoslovakia should strongly impress upon the American people why a thorough understanding of the strategy, tactics, and objectives of the communist conspiracy is vital-if we are to make true the expression, "It can't happen here."

In the October 29, 1961, issue of "Thus Week" magazine, Petr Zenkl, vice premier of Czechoslovakia and a member of its Parliament at the time of the Red takeover, confirms that the Communists used his country as a "dress rehearsal" for new "techniques to undermine free governments without the use of military force." He compares Kozak's document in importance to Lenin's "State and Revolution" and Hitler's "Mien Kamph." He describes it as "a frightening blueprint of the things the Communists hope to accomplish." Zenkl also points out that the Reds are now repeating in the United Nations the same parliamentary trickery which succeeded for them in Czechoslovakia. (Ironically, the Soviets used the "parliament" of the United Nations to veto a 1948 move to study the circumstances surrounding the fall of Czechoslovakia.)

In reflecting on how the Reds were able to overthrow the non-Communist majority in the Parliament of his native land, Zenkl says:

"While democratic Czechoslovakia's defeat was composed of many factors, one important element facilitating the Communist march to power was our wishful thinking. We believed that Communists could be transformed into partners in the parliamentary sense. The contrary happened. While taking part in Czechoslovakia's Parliament, they successfully followed Kozak's commandment: 'not to lose sight for a single moment of the aim of a complete socialist overthrow.'

"But now the secret is out-in Kozak's book of revelation. Read it and heed it, gentlemen of the Free World, while you are free. For those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Facts On Communism - Volume One,
The Communist Ideology
Committee On Un-American Activities
December 1959
House of Representatives-eighty-sixth Congress

2) This 135-page document meticulously articulates the fundamentals of Communism ideology. While many books have been published on this topic, we find the Committee for un-American Activities to be one of the most thorough. The study certainly inspires connections and discernment surrounding the development of modern day Christianity and its relationship to Communist/Socialist ideology. The Washington Archives hold many files relating to churches, and individuals who were tools for the Communist Party and endeavors. The topic is so pertinent to the history and current events of the WCG. The OIU will be addressing these relationships in many upcoming reports.

"Communism is called, by it own followers, a 'philosophy in action.' As a philosophy, it is characterized by a basic attitude of uncompromising hostility to all non-communist societies and the ideas held in them. Beyond this, however, it is a philosophy armed with means of power."

"First, it is armed with the strength and resources of a big country and the more than 200 million people living there. Using this country's might, it has added to itself the further strength of an empire of over 700 million more people. Second, this philosophy is the guiding motive for a network of organized adherents in all countries whose loyalties are basically alienated from their respective nations and fellow citizens and committed to the overthrow of the existing social order in favor of the Communist alternative."

"At present, communism has concentrated its hostility on the United States as the most powerful among the nations not yet under its sway. The United States thus finds itself under attack by an enemy whose motive for hostility is not any practical grievance of limited aspiration but rather the basic will to destroy the order of life in the United States in order to make room for a Communist rule."

"The enemy has engaged us on many fronts at once. In the field of international power relations, he has pursued an aggressive policy seeking to isolate the United States in order to destroy our power, an objective toward which he has pressed with or without war, by means of diplomacy, propaganda, trade and subversion. In the framework of internal political and social order, the enemy has sought to influence, paralyze or disintegrate the processes of our common life, operating under the facade of ostensibly responsible citizenship. In the realm of ideas, finally, the enemy has attempted to use many kinds of intellectual and cultural activities (education, science, literature, art [religion, churches, missionaries]) in order to destroy all loyalties other than those to Communist leadership."

"This multifarious attack, unprecedented in history, differs so much from the normal pattern of relations between nations or political groups within nations that many people fail to grasp the full extent of the threat. Some tend to mistake communism, for a mere part of what it is and does. Others are not informed about the concealed aspects of communism. Still others find the Communist philosophy strange and incomprehensible."

"Ignorance of communism in all its aspects is a dangerous weakness in this struggle. The committee has therefore considered it one of its most urgent tasks to assemble all the salient fact about communism for a full, undistorted, and revealing picture of communism's true nature."

This Introduction in "Facts On Communism," House Document N0. 336, speaks volumes toward what is currently engaging the United States, almost forty years later.

Communism is UN-American
The American magazine
Constitutional Educational League, Inc.

3) Frances Cardinal Spellman, along with J. Edgar Hoover, participated in the Patriotic Action Committee's attempt to educate Americans on the horrific infiltration of Communism, Socialism, Fascism and other totalitarian "isms." Many patriotic publications were distributed as warnings to Americans to educate themselves on the massive deception permeating post War America. Unlike today, many government officials were alerted and provoked by the devious forces attempting to strip America of its freedoms. Spellman writes:
"If Communism triumphs, Americanism will die."

"In America the seed of confusion and disunion are spawning and spreading, and Communism is growing. In their efforts to wean American from Americanism, Communists unanimously revile and defile everyone whose opinions and convictions differ politically, socially, or morally from their own. Their subtle, sinister scheming sway and mislead Americans who, in ignorance or weakness, yield to Communism their loyalty to God, to country, and to their fellow man."

"Today, communists, suppressing and distorting truth, are intimidating men and inflicting despotism on America, trying to convert Americans to Communism. In government, in industry, in labor unions, in our political and educational systems, even in the armed services of our country, Communists and Communist sympathizers hold responsible positions, while members of their party use the press, the radio and the films to influence and divide us against ourselves."

"America is no safer from mastery by Communism than was any European country. There we witnessed the killing and enslavement of whole peoples by Communists who, with the shedding of blood, have become as if drunken with it. "

"There is no middle course between Democracy and communism! Americans believe that all men are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights, while Communists deny the very existence of God and man's God-given rights. In our country's concepts the dignity of each man depends upon his spiritual independence, while Communism's concept is seeded in materialism and rooted in tyranny. It attempts to cure one abuse by substituting another. Wherever Communism appears, slavery reappears. America and Americans need only to look at the record and the wreckage of those bigoted governments and peoples who became gods and laws unto themselves, in order to be convinced of the nobility of our own free and democratic government and life."

"Wherever communism rules, the press conforms, or dies, and radio is an absolute state monopoly."

"If we want to protect America against the invasion of Communism, we must act wisely and promptly to check its poison propaganda through the anti-toxin of truth and patriotism"

"I feel that I would not be a true American if I enter into the conspiracy of silence and did not raise my voice above those who, privately and in whispers, talk about Communism, but neither act nor speak publicly against this insidious enemy of Americanism."

The Private Letters Of Herbert W. Armstrong
and Loma D. Armstrong

Herbert and Loma Armstrong documented their first venture off the Northern American continent as they sailed their way into Europe on the R.R.S. Queen Elizabeth in February and March of 1947. This unique trip took place just two years following Armstrong's first United Nation's meeting in 1945. The personal letters recorded in a fifty-eight page book complete with pictures reveal many interesting historical facts surrounding this journey. Many questions arise about Armstrong's early connections with international Heads of State. Worth noting, is that Armstrong started connecting with dubious international associations from the time Armstrong worked out of a little Hollywood office in the early 1940s. Was it really a "strong hand from someplace" that inspired Armstrong's long and tangled career?
On February 27th, Armstrong writes:

"Just about noon the private Secretary to his Excellency the Saudi-Arabian Minister, Shiek Hafiz Wabba, called up to ask if Mrs. Armstrong and I would be able to attend a Reception this evening to meet E.R.H. the Crown Prince Emir Saud. Later a specially engraved invitation was sent by private messenger."

"They tell me that this affair will be the most colorful international social event held in London since the war. It's a Royal affair, you know."

"It was very colorful. About 200 invited guests-Earls, Dukes, with their monocles and flashing decorations, Admirals, Commodores, dozens of Ambassadors-we saw those from Turkey, Chile, Albania, etc.-I suppose undoubtedly the United States Ambassador was there, but didn't happen to hear him introduced."

"The Arabs in their flowing robes stood in line. Mother advanced first, then I. First we shook hands with Sheik Hafiz Wabba (His Excellency). Then, next the tall and very handsome crown Prince, whom they addressed as "Your Royal Highness" - then the remaining five or six top Arabs."

"We had a nice brief private talk with the Sheik and got a statement for my article on Palestine for the next Plain Truth."

"The Labor Government here has decided to compete with Hollywood and try to run Hollywood picture out of England, by going into the movie producing business on a major Hollywood scale-government backed people here complain that the government is spending a large part of the American loan, they got from us, on building a British film Industry, instead of using it to start trade that would produce food."

And from Loma's letter:

"We just returned to our room from the Royal reception. I felt just like little Lord Fauntleroy. It was all so interesting. We were announced in a thundering voice to all. Presented to Sheik Hafiz Wabba (His Excellency) who in turn presented us to the Crown Prince and on down the line."
"We were among the Lords and Ladies, Sirs and Earls, etc., Admirals and Ambassadors of so many countries. They are all just folks."


What propelled HWA into international affairs? Who connected him to the international transatlantic Elite? This 1947 letter marks the beginning of the Herbert W. Armstrong "hidden agenda" with international politics. Is there any wonder why the WCG and current Armstrong leaders refrain from writing about HWA's twenty-five years of travel abroad? The dogmatic attempt to revise the WCG history on behalf of Rod Meredith, David Hulme, Tkach/Albrecht and Gerald Flurry is essential to cover-up the real story behind the event.

This brings us to the decade of the 1950s; much happens after World War Two. The riveting depression of the 1930s is well past. The prospering United States hails its political achievements as the Cold War psychology develops. The Baby Boomers are young and preparing to enter a new age of technological advancement. Ozzie and Harriet, along with Father Knows Best, model the American family on America's favorite pastime-television. The Civil Rights movement is barely out of the starting gate. And McCarthy? Well, he's itching to blow the lid off the American Communist Party infiltration within Washington. The mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches experience a fallout of members inspiring development within the Ecumenical Movement--first: the World Council of Churches, and then, with Vatican Two.

Thousands exit their birth religions in search for answers to questions triggered by the nuclear destruction of Japan and war devastation. As mainstream Christianity and Catholicism fails to fulfill the needs of post war religion, individualism paves way to the development of "cults in America."

The 1950s and 1960s were action packed decades emanating contradictions between freedom and fear of annihilation. The Civil Rights movement complemented the hippie movement. But all movements were negatively affected by constant Cold War fears, Cuban Missile Crises, along with the Kennedy and Martin Luther King deaths. Drugs became the rage, as did the CIA's connection with Timothy Leary's LSD experiments. Internationally, the Cold War image gave way to increased political unrest which few nations escaped.

As we stroll down memory lane in search of the "big picture," we parallel historical events and compare them to the chronological development of the Worldwide Church of God.

When released, the "Chronology of the Worldwide Church of God" will detail the real history behind the organization. History revision propaganda has distorted the incredible account on this multi-layer, multi- faceted operandi. Missing from the Tkachian testimonies purporting the "cult that turned to Christ," are the riveting details involving political agendas, associations with the Elite Establishment, the connection with "Rockefeller bankers," the double lives of its front leaders and many ministers, involvement with International assignments, programs involving human development research, Masonic fraternal relationships, multi-million dollar-non profit corporations and its riveting exposé surrounding the "alleged" fraud, sexual exploitation, ritual and sex abuse, prostitution, money laundering, drugs, murders, Mafioso and so much more… but you get the picture?

This lengthy OIU highlights important issues connected to the WCG big picture. The reader's job is to broaden his education to more fully understand how the WCG is webbed together. The propagandists and spin artists have done a commendable job setting up a defense of confusion. The strategists behind the Tkach regime should be noted as experts in the art of distraction and decoy operations. Through fraud, the WCG architects have acquired millions of dollars to hire the best manipulators the market offers. And thus far it appears their investments are paying off. What a shameful testimony to the thousands who have collaborated with such corruption and deception. Silence from the hundreds of "ministers" fully explains their own involvement with works of evil. They have much to hide.

Introducing the
Ambassador of Peace

Where was your head in the 1960s? If you were in grammar school during these years, you may recall "bomb scare drills." At the tone of the bell, all the children squatted, covered their heads and huddled under their desks. With the threat of Russian nuclear attacks invading Americans' thoughts, ever-increasing fear phobia permeated the national mindset. America was brainwashed into thinking the big one was just about to land.

Armstrong's most alluring message targeted listeners' "fears" or "fight or flight" emotions. His repetitive theme of annihilation and destruction complemented the public Cold War hysteria. The Plain Truth magazine heightened and capitalized on the Cold War psyche. Millions of pieces of "free literature" were distributed around the world masking as answers to the world's problems. The WCG experienced its major growth during the 1960s. Timing was perfect for the Armstrong message. The package was complete with all the answers to wars, society breakdown, religions of man and to every question from: Why Were You Born? Why Man Suffers? and What Will Happen After Death? Hooking on to Armstrong ideology offered one a sense of being privileged to hidden, secret knowledge. The formula for eternal life was summed up in Armstrong's, "God's Plan of Salvation." When we assess what was occurring simultaneously in society, there is little wonder why thousands gravitated toward a dogma that today might seem scripted from pages of science fiction or Scientology. Much of the massive literature described a "way of life" that would result in "true happiness, peace and prosperity." What readers didn't know is that the same ideology and mission described in thousands of pieces of Armstrong literature was exactly the same ideology and Quest of Communism's utopianism. They both had a World Tomorrow -- message.

Stanley R. Rader's initial contact with the Worldwide Church of God came in 1956 (age 25) when he was working as an accountant for Hollywood advertising mogul Milton Scott, who bought radio and advertising for the church. When Armstrong's accountant died in 1956, Scott sent Rader to Pasadena to help straighten out the church's books. Scott says that young Rader came back to the office enthusiastic about "the gold mine out there. " The American Lawyer, August 1979 article, offers an expose of Stanley R. Rader called, "The Devil And Stanley Rader." Its eye-opening account about "How a Jewish lawyer from White Plains, New York found Jesus, big bucks, and lots of trouble doing 'the Work' in California." This article offers a closer look at the individual who was lauded by Armstrong and his chief evangelists as being Armstrong's chief assistant. What the article lacks is Rader's scrupulous history involving international transactions under the auspices of Ambassador College, followed by the extravagant multi-million dollar Ambassador International Cultural Foundation (AICF). For over twenty years Herbert Armstrong accompanied Rader (including David Antion, Osamo Gotoh and others) on jet hopping excursions 200 to 300 days a year, to far away lands. Propagandized to lowly church members as "Ambassador of Peace" and "humanitarian efforts," the "unofficial Kissinger-type" team spear-headed by Stanley R. Rader established intimate relationships with totalitarians, dictators and Communists. One of the finest reports documenting the "Ambassador For Peace" agenda is retrieved from Rader's personal account from, Against the Gates of Hell, 1980.

As you read through these astounding excerpts taken from Chapter Nine of Against the Gates of Hell, question the agenda relayed in Rader's own words. Why would the State Department clear such extensive jet travel? How did the globetrotting occur during a time of political unrest and the Cold War? What did Rader and Armstrong have in common with national "Masonic" leaders? Was Rader recruited into the Central Intelligence Agency following his remarkable law school accomplishment, graduating top of his class? Who really funded and organized such an "Intelligence" adventure that cost millions and millions of dollars?

What in the world was the Worldwide Church of God?


What is behind "THE GATES OF HELL?"

[The following direct excerpts by Stanley R. Rader are quoted in sequence.]

The "Work" of the Church is defined as announcing the news of the coming Kingdom of God through all means and media of communications that are available.

We come to all nations and all people with an announcement, awesome and transcendent, yet at the same time, pure and uncomplicated:

As surely as the day dawns and the night follows, we inform them, there will be upon this globe a government of God ruled under the laws of God, and those laws will be based upon the Ten Commandments-the love of God and the love of man. His rule will end all poverty, ignorance, sickness, disease, all moral and physical filth, all crime and ugliness. He will end war and to all who accept Him bring a universal prosperity, happiness, and joy.

Personal evangelism was the only answer, so in 1954 Armstrong toured England and Scotland. Even he was astounded by the throngs that jammed the halls, auditoriums and stadiums in which he spoke.

[Rader begins his career with Armstrong and WCG in 1956. HWA's eldest son and chief Director of the church, Richard Armstrong, was suddenly killed in a car accident driven by Alton Billingsly. Richard Armstrong dies of shock due to neglect of medical assistance.]

Unlike a business that set about the formation of branch offices, stores, or plants, churches almost literally create themselves. And so, with the desire of the British people to form a Church plainly evident by their enthusiastic response, one rose in Britain in 1956… An estate was purchased at Bricket Wood, in Hertfordshire, just nineteen miles north of London's Marble Arch… One by one, as years went on, offices were opened in Australia, France, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries, after Armstrong had made journeys there and brought to their people the revealed ways of the living Creator God.

In 1966, a new phase was begun. Mr. Armstrong decided the Work had reached the point where the Church must reach out its arms as far as it could in an intensive effort to bring the message of His next Coming to all humanity.

[Loma Armstrong, wife of Herbert W. Armstrong, dies this year due to lack of medical treatment for bowel obstruction]

A traveling evangelism, unprecedented in the history of world religion, was launched…. Herbert Armstrong has gone to virtually every corner of the planet by many types of conveyance, endured hardships and risked his life many times over to obey the commandment of Jesus Christ. I have been privileged to accompany him on most of these travels and to share in the joys and satisfactions, not to mention the dangers, of the unique globe-girdling effort.

The list of countries we have visited read like a Baedeker guide: every nation in Europe, the Middle East, northern and Southern Africa; through most of Asia, including Japan; to every country in South and Central America. And, in the fall of 1979, I took the commission to the People's Republic of China on three separate visits.

We travel between 200-300 days every year. With a small staff we fly aboard a Church-owned jet aircraft because our schedule is so full and demanding that much precious time would be lost and we could rely on seeing fewer persons with commercial transportation. Usually we remain away from one to more than three weeks at a time. The number of persons aboard can range from about eight to a dozen or more, depending upon the destination. The airplane, a white twin-engine Gulfstream II, about half the size of a Boeing 727, carries a crew of four, including a captain and co-pilot and two stewards.

From the beginning, Mr. Armstrong received astonishing welcomes from kings and presidents, prime ministers and cabinet members, legislators and educators. These summit and near-summit sessions are of overriding importance because, as Mr. Armstrong stated: "When I get Christ's vital message of the Kingdom of god to the king, president, prime minister, and others high in the government of such nations, I have, in God's sight, gotten His message to that nation or Kingdom."

Along with the announcement, there is a full explanation and a proof that what we say is, in truth, coming to pass. An integral part of the message, too, is moral and ethical education. As Mr. Armstrong put it in October 1974 in Cairo, when he addressed a glittering assemblage of Egyptian citizens (which included four government ministers, many members of the legislature and a number of university presidents); "What are we? Why are we here? Is there a purpose? Where are we going? What is the way to peace? What are true values?

…It is one of our major efforts to preach and publish the Gospel to all nations.

The message we bring to the nations of the world is that even worse calamities are in store, but that they will be followed by a great new God-enthroned world in which there will be peace, joy, abundance, and eternal life for those who have embraced Him.

Living in such close proximity to Herbert Armstrong for so many months of so many years, listening to him talk about every aspect of the Work, the people we meet, the theology of the Church, discussing the plans for the immediate and distant future, thinking and planning with him, having three meals a day in his company-all this has given me a deeper insight into the mind and spirit of the Apostle of God than any human being who ever lived. If Herbert Armstrong is an ambassador without portfolio, I have functioned as his secretary of state, though similarly uncredentialed.

As Mr. Armstrong's servant, it has been my responsibility to manage his massive program of meetings, dinners, and rallies in country after country. This I have done for up to ten months of every year since 1960. As his servant, too, I see to it that the meetings go well, that the Church's needs are taken care of, and that the programs we institute are carried out.

[Rader graduates first in his class from the University of Southern California Law School in 1962]

In 1960 I made my first trip for the Work to British Isles to help Mr. Armstrong buy more property in Bricket Wood, to help the British solicitors in organizing the British version of Ambassador College, to work with the auditors whom Mr, Armstrong had engaged, and to assist in general with management problems. In 1961 I spent a considerable period of time in England in the on-the-job training of the new business manager, Charles F. Hunting. Each year thereafter, I spent time in England, Germany, Switzerland, and other parts of Europe with Mr. Armstrong, resolving various management problems, negotiating new property purchases, analyzing bank financing, establishing banking relationships; and also letting architectural and building contracts while Mr. Armstrong developed the British campus.

As his unofficial secretary of state, I have been present at most of the conferences he has had with world leaders, and gone alone to bring the announcement and carry on adjunct programs when he was elsewhere.

During July and early August 1977, Mr. Armstrong and I traveled to Tokyo, Israel, Liberia, the Ivory Coast and Ghana.

[In 1977, during HWA's heart failure-Rader relents:]

By October he [HWA] was well on his way to full health, and I was able to leave for almost three months of activities in Tokyo, Europe, and New York-much of the time filling in for Mr. Armstrong.

As a result of our pilgrimages and our efforts to foster and cement world understanding, a number of foreign counties have called on me to function as "expert adviser" in their dealings with the United States. In 1971, I was asked to be an official advisor to the Japanese delegation, headed by then Prime Minister Eisaku Sato, at the U.S.-Japanese ministerial conference at San Clemente. Late the following summer, I was again advisor to a Japanese delegation that accompanied Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka to his summit conference with President Nixon in Hawaii, where the two chiefs reaffirmed the mutual cooperation and security treaty that existed between their governments and announced that the US and Japan had reached accords under which Japan would buy $1billion worth of aircraft, uranium enrichment, and various agricultural products. Three years later, I advised a Japanese delegation in the Middle East during Israeli-Egyptian negotiations on withdrawal from the banks of the Suez Canal.

It may seem surprising that the doors of imperial palaces and official residences are open wide for a smiling, white-haired man and his aide. Yet there are sound reasons. In addition to the announcement we bring, our travels abroad have two other great purposes:

First, to establish and develop programs that are meaningful, relevant, and important to each nation we visit and to the people involved, so that they many live fuller and more abundant lives. And second, to create a better understanding between people to further the cause of world peace.

Herbert Armstrong has become widely recognized and accepted as a man of God, an individual who possesses throughout the world a moral influence capable of moving mountains. National leaders have read about, and often seen for themselves the throngs surging to hear him and the ovations he has received. They have received, too, reports from around the world of the confidence other leaders have placed in him. They have heard, through their intelligence reports and other means, of his reputation as a "builder of bridges between nations."

High officials have come to trust Mr. Armstrong as few other influential persons could be trusted in this imperfect world, accepting him, in his own phrase, "an ambassador without portfolio for peace." They feel free to discuss their most pressing international and domestic problem with him in intimate detail. I have had the honor of attending may of these conferences and have noted the depth of sincerity with which he has been greeted, the deference paid to him, the close attention given by state heads of counsel.

Herbert Armstrong has found a certain advantage in his status as unofficial ambassador that no credentialed envoy could enjoy. "In meetings between a government leader and other heads of state," he says, "a great deal may be at stake." They cannot be as free to relax. But in meetings with me they feel more free, and they are often interested in hearing of the problems, opinions, and views of other leaders." Occasionally, too, Mr. Armstrong has been asked to be the bearer of personal messages from one leader to another, messages that could not be sent over usual diplomatic channels.

The Prime minister of Lebanon, Takieddine Solh, told Armstrong in 1973: "People like you are like guiding navigators who are seeking the paths of true life and humanity."

And that year, too, Dr, Kharni Singh, Maharafo of Bikaner and a member of the Indian Parliament, wrote: "Mr. Armstrong…is devoted to the cause of eradicating poverty and of bring international peace. In this endeavor of his it is the duty of every citizen of the world to give him all the support he deserves."

We are close with King Hussein of Jordan and yet have maintained equally strong ties of friendship with Israel. At one time, during a four-year period, Armstrong and I made about fifty trips to Israel, meeting with prime ministers Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, and Menachem Begin, and with Moshe Dayan, Defense Minister Shimon Peres and dozens of cabinet members, legislators, military men, and leaders of industry and academia.

We met with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in Alexandria in the summer of 1974, years before the Camp David accord, when he knew that we would fly first from Cairo to Jerusalem. As President Sadat's special guests, we were the only non-Arabs present while he spoke to members of his cabinet and other distinguished representatives of the Egyptian government and society.

In the Indian subcontinent, we were received by President V.V. Giri and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. We talk with President Suharto of Indonesia, with President Jomo Kenyatta, the father of independent Kenya, with President William Tolbert of Liberia, with the Prime Minister of Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina, and Peru. In Japan, we have met with former Prime Minister Sato and every one of his successors: Tanaka, Takeo Miki, Takeo Fukuda, and Masayoshi Ohira. The list is almost literally endless because the journeys to proclaim the message of God must go on.

That message which Herbert Armstrong is proclaiming wherever he goes, that the days of this world are now numbered as biblical prophesies have foretold, is being signaled by a curious sequence of developments. These have occurred---are still occurring---too often and too regularly to be disregarded as mere coincidences.

Mr. Armstrong himself has made note of it. "It seems," he says, "that every time we visit a place, something happens in the country or region that changes it in some significant way." In some cases, these events occur within three weeks, almost to the day.

Let me call attention to these facts, all of them documented. In late August 1973, Mr. Armstrong and I met in Santiago with president Salvador Allende of Chile, the first Marxist chief of state in the Western Hemisphere to be elected in democratically run elections. After our lengthy conference in the great stone presidential palace, the country's chief of protocol, a worried look on his face, confided to us: "We advise you to leave the country at once before total chaos occurs."

The nation was in ferment; strikes were crippling the economy and demands were rising that Allende halt his efforts to impose a socialistic system upon the nation. We left. Later, in the same room where we had talked with the president, on a carpet by the same desk in which he had sat, lay the body of the Chilean president, a bullet in the back. he had been murdered by a military junta opposed to his Marxist philosophy in a coup supported by the US Central Intelligence Agency and the then Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. As an official of the Worldwide Church, I take no side except to decry the eruptions of violence, which are shredding the fabric of human decency and morality in country after country. The violent upheaval in Chile? It took place just three weeks after we talked with Allende.

In mid-September 1973, we visited Lebanon, our arrival covered extensively by the three Lebanese television stations broadcasting in Arabic, French, and English. After a series of meetings with government ministers and other leaders, we met with President Suleiman Franjieh at his summer palace in Ehden, 7,500 feet in the Lebanese mountains. Lunch over; we strolled out onto his terrace when suddenly three Israeli jets zoomed overhead, flying at a low altitude in a northeasterly direction. Lebanon is on the eastern end of the Mediterranean, on Israel's northern border. To the northeast lies Syria.

Surprised, I asked the president: "Is this an everyday occurrence?" He replied: "Oh yes, they fly over every day on reconnaissance." There had been three Arab-Israeli wars in the past quarter-century, the last only six years before. The Israelis had known Syrian forces were massing in the Golan Heights to their northeast. What they did not know was when -or if-they would attack. On October 6 of that year, Egypt and Syria struck simultaneously on two fronts, invading territory Israel had occupied since the 1967 war. This, the famous Yom Kippur War, launched on the Jews' holiest day, occurred two days short of three weeks after we departed from Lebanon.

We met in Bangkok with Prime Minister Thanom Kittikachorn of Thailand and, not long after, violent student demonstrations forced him form office. Field Marshal Kittikachorn had been in power about twenty-five years, head of one of Asia's oldest and most secure military dictatorships.

Mr. Armstrong paid his first visit to South Africa in June 1976. On June 16, when he arrived back in Johannesburg after a tour of the country's Southwest Africa dependency, the evening newspaper carried black headlines reading: SIX DIE IN RIOTS. Soweto, the area where the black population is sequestered, had erupted. The old order in South Africa was shaken to its foundations by those "flaming nights."

Coincidence? Or Providence? Chance? Or advance warning to a still-unheeding civilization that the first rumblings of what will be massive upheaval, not just in individual nations but the world, as we know it, are already being heard?

National leaders not only talk intimately to Herbert Armstrong but also reveal to him their candid views of events and their opinions of other leaders who strut and fret their hour on the world stage

Some of the national leaders we have met, including a number in our own country, were not the most democratic of individuals. Power often creates arrogance. Others, however, have been remarkably humble, gracious, and outgoing in their personal relationships with people. Ranking high as a man of true humanity is King Leopold III of Belgium, who succeeded his father, Albert I, in 1934.


An upcoming OIU issue will expound on the Rader/Armstrong "humanitarian evangelism" as it opened doors in Communist China. This inter-tangled "globe-girdling effort to build bridges between nations" seems to warrant keen scrutinization, as the "Heads of Nations" Rader gloats about just happen to be some of the most wicked violators of human rights this world has entertained to date. It has been well documented time and again; Armstrong's message never included the words "Jesus Christ." The word gospel proved to be a euphemism. While the "little dumb sheep" (HWA's term of WCG members) sacrificed their life for a Kingdom they thought was of Jesus, the Totalitarians, Dictators, Communists and Armstrongites translated the word Kingdom to mean "One World Government."

As Rader describes the long relationship with China and Japan in Chapter 10, he quotes Armstrong:

"We could not offend our hosts, a nation without religion, by delivering our message as we had in other nations. In his own preparation for the visit, Mr. Armstrong was planning to tell their leaders of the coming of world government, though not, as he said, 'in Christian or Bible-sounding words.' "

Rader: Again I worked out a rigorous and wide-ranging schedule of activities and, on December 2, Mr. Armstrong flew to Peking-the first leader of a Christian church to be officially invited to meet with leaders of the People's Republic of China. For five days and four nights, Armstrong had formal and informal talks with leaders from government and education as part of what he described as his "most important and successful trip."

Armstrong: "Although in a Communist and atheist-oriented country I did not use bible language, I did get over to them the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, announcing the coming one-world government of God," [Rader] he assured readers of Plain Truth in his Pastor General's Report. He wrote that speaking to the leaders of Communist China is akin to reaching one fourth of all the people on earth, one billion people.

[UPDATE: Stanley R. Rader died on  July 2, 2002, at age 71, in Pasadena, California two weeks after having been diagnosed with acute pancreatic cancer.]

The Wonderful World Tomorrow

If you were involved with the Worldwide Church of God in any capacity, you must remember the sole purpose for giving up the "rotten self" in effort to build Godly character and prepare for qualification into God's glorious KINGDOM. Only the elect would meet Christ on the Mount of Olives to wage war with the beast. Shortly following, all weapons would be converted into plowshares and all who remained following the great tribulation would begin to build a utopian society where all mankind would dwell in peace with the lion and the lamb.

The New World Government

"Now notice just HOW the new World Government will function!

"It will not be so-called Democracy. It will not be "Socialism." It will not be Communism or Nazism. It will not be human Monarchy, Oligarchy or Plutocracy. It will not be MAN'S government over man. Man has proven his utter incapability of ruling himself!

"It will be DIVINE Government-the Government of God. It will not be government from the bottom up. The people will have NO VOTES. It will not be government of or by the people-but it will be government FOR the people! It will be government form the TOP (God Almighty) down!"

The Perfect Government

"Yes, Jesus CHRIST very soon is going to return to this earth! He is coming in POWER and GLORY! HE is coming to RULE ALL NATIONS!

"But HE is not going to do this ruling, supervising, all alone, by Himself! He is coming to set up WORLD GOVERNMENT! It will be a highly organized government. There will be many positions of authority. It is the GOVERNMENT of GOD"

Both Church and State

"Another principle is made clear in God's Word. Church and State will be UNITED under Christ. There will be ONE GOVERNMENT, over all nations. There will be ONE CHURCH--ONE GOD--ONE RELIGION. And as in God's original pattern in ancient Israel, they will be united."

What About DISTRIBUTION of Population?

"Will there be ROOM for the multiple BILLIONS of humans on earth-on up to the 2300's and beyond?

"Of course! Remember, only 15 percent of the earth's surface is inhabitable today-and not more than 10 percent is CULTIVATABLE! But when God makes ALL the earth inhabitable, even changing the whole weather patterns of earth, the ocean currents, and flow of arctic air, the jet streams, the pattern of mountain ranges and placement of continents-ALL EARTH WILL BE PEOPLED!

God shows individual races returning to their own lands, repopulating them!"

One World Government at Last!

"Statesmen, Scientists, Editors know the ONLY HOPE FOR SURVIVAL and for PEACE is one world government! We could quote many scores of world leaders affirming this.

"We could quote other scores of world leaders saying IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!

"So it's 'WORLD GOVERNMENT - or ANNIHILATION!' on the one hand, and it's 'WORLD GOVERNMENT is IMPOSSIBLE!' on the other hand!

"That is the stark paradox of TERROR facing all mankind today! No wonder God Almighty says 'The WAY OF PEACE THEY KNOW NOT!'

'But what man cannot do for himself, the GREAT LIVING GOD will do for him! WORLD GOVERNMENT-perfect government - is coming IN OUR TIME, in the hands of the Great Ruling Christ, and unnumbered thousands of Co-Rulers given immortality with and under Him!


How WE Can Enter

"How fervently MILLIONS ought to be praying, 'THY KINGDOM COME! THY WILL BE DONE on earth, as it is in heaven!"

"Yet, how much MORE fervently ought millions to be praying:' OH GOD! Be merciful to me, a sinner! Help me to turn FROM this world's false ways-help me to SEE what a filthy, rotten, selfish rebellious character I have been-HELP me to really SEE Jesus in my heart-to REPENT and BELIEVE, that I may receive YOUR Holy Spirit, and become one of Christ's Co-rulers, made IMMORTAL in His Kingdom, Helping to CHANGE the world-to SAVE the world-to have a part in this soon-coming WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW!' "

[The Wonderful World Tomorrow, What Will It Be Like -1966--all emp. Armstrong's

For decades, Herbert W. Armstrong, along with his ministerial entourage, rapidly prepared for "one world government." All who read the church literature could verify that the multimillion-dollar gospel consisted of those words. What wasn't revealed was the secret, duplicitous meaning of "one world government." The decade of 1990s could be considered the era of globalization. For years, wealthy men in high places have pursued the goal of "unity" for the sole purpose of ultimate power and control. As this decade closes, it is now grossly apparent that Herbert W. Armstrong, along with his chief assistant, Stanley R. Rader, were significant defenders of "one world government and one world religion." It is without doubt these men, along with the Klan of ministers (many still operating), bowed down to their GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE! The Masonic god was their guide, as they defrauded thousands via their double agenda.

Here is a list of letter excerpts distributed to the membership following the death of Armstrong. If there is any question as to what "the work" of the Worldwide Church of God conglomerate is, the answer should be found below.

Dignitaries, leaders share loss of pastor general

"These tributes only begin to cover the many facet of Mr. Armstrong's life and work. Much more could have been written, but space did not permit. As Mr. Tkach writes: 'The tireless dedication to God's Church and work, the long hours, the drive, the energy and enthusiasm for doing God's will, are burned into our memories of him.' "

"Many of the writers share personal glimpses into how their lives were affected by Mr. Armstrong and what it was like to work for God's apostle."

"The Church received many condolences by telex, letter and telephone, including some from dignitaries around the world."

United Nations: "I was greatly saddened to learn of the passing away of Mr. Armstrong. From the time of the San Francisco Conference, which he attended as a journalist, Mr. Armstrong took a strong and supporting interest in the United Nations. With his wide ties throughout the world, he pursued the cause of peace and harmony among all peoples. My wife and I indeed recall our meeting with him in San Francisco last June and had looked forward to seeing him subsequently in New York. We would like to express our sincere condolences on this sad occasions." Javier Perez de Cuellar Secretary-General

United States: "to the congregation, Worldwide Church of God: Nancy and I join all those mourning the loss of Herbert W. Armstrong. A founder and leader of the Worldwide Church of God, Mr. Armstrong contributed to sharing the world of the Lord with his community and with people throughout the nation. You can take pride in his legacy. Our prayers are with you. God bless you." Ronald and Nancy Reagan, President.

"I read in the press of Mr. Armstrong's death minutes before receiving your telegram. As you know, the Committee to Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Signing of the U.N. Charter in San Francisco was very grateful to him and the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation for its generous contribution last spring. We were delighted that Mr. Armstrong could be present for the events. Please accept my condolences and deepest sympathy. 
Peter Tarnoff, Executive director World Affairs Council of Northern California [As of 1995-- Tarnoff was Undersecretary-State Dept.; President (Fmr) Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the Trilateral Commission]

"All of us at the Law Center extend sincere condolences to you and all your colleagues associated with the Church and the Foundation on the passing of Herbert W. Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong was one of the world's leading evangelists, and his distinguished career contributed much to the causes of religious faith and world peace." Scott H. Broce, Dean, The Law Center-University of Southern California

China: "I had the privilege to meet the late President Armstrong in Beijing, China. I have been deeply impressed by his enthusiasm and friendship toward my country, and his sharpness in the international affairs. His meeting with our leader, Mr. Deng Xiaoliping, is of great significance…" [Toward what is not indicated] Ji Xiaolin, State Educational Commission, University of Chicago, Ill.

England: "The Ambassador was very sorry to learn of the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, and would be grateful if you would pass on his condolences to family and friends. We have, as you requested, passed the sad news to London." Q.F. Heim. Private Secretary Her majesty's Ambassador, Washington, D. C.

"I hope that you will accept this [condolence] as an expression of our sympathy. I am sorry that our absence prevented us from attending the funeral service on 10 January." D.F. Ballentyne, Consul General of Britain, LA Calif.

"On my return from traveling abroad I was saddened by your telegram. Please convey our sympathy to all concerned with Mr. Armstrong's important work."
Leopold de Rothschild, London, England.

Belgium: "It is with great sadness and emotion that I learned the news of Mr. Armstrong's passing away…. I remember I met him shortly after my arrival in 1982, and he told me about his love for Belgium and his relationship with King Leopold. I also remember how kindly and generously he reacted to Belgium connected activities. Please convey my sympathy and sentiments of condolences to Mr. Armstrong's family and to those whose mission it will be to continue his formidable task, in the religious, the charitable and the educational fields."
Andre C. Adam, Consul General of Belgium, Los Angeles

West Germany: "I would like to express my heartfelt condolences at the death of Mr. Herbert W, Armstrong. Although I met him personally only once, I was strongly impressed by his personality. I deeply appreciate his work for international understanding, and for the arts. It is gratifying to learn that his efforts will be continued." Guenter Joetze, Consul General of West Germany, Los Angeles

"Deeply shocked by new of the death of unforgettable Mr. Armstrong. Am with you all in prayers for him and hopes for successful continuation of his life's work." Otto von Habsburg, Member of European Parliament

Austria: "I will always remember Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, whom I had the pleasure to have met several times, for his great personality, his deep humanity and culture. Austria will never forget his lasting merits for the promotion of culture and the strengthening of the contacts between the United States of America and Austria in the field of music." [Music???] Rudolf Kirchschlaeger, Federal President

Czechoslovakia: "We were very much grieved to hear of the death of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, president of the Ambassador Foundation and chancellor of Ambassador College. We shall always remember the last visit of Mr. Armstrong in Prague. Please accept our sincerest sympathy in you sad bereavement." Vaclav Pleskot, President of Cedok Tourist Agency

Israel: "It is with great sorrow that we learned the passing of President Herbert Armstrong. One could only be deeply impressed by his vast efforts to promote understanding and peace among peoples. His good deeds were felt in many corners of the world. In Jerusalem his care and concern can be seen in the many projects he undertook: the archaeological excavations uncovering the history of millennia, the children's playground and activities he helped sponsor, the dedicated work of the Ambassador college students. His visits to Jerusalem were always very special and I was privileged to share these with him He helped foster the goals we set to ensure the future of Jerusalem, King David's City." Teddy Kollek, Mayor of Jerusalem

"….His feeling for Israel and Jerusalem was manifested in his true interest in the archaeological excavations near the temple mount and in the City of David. His name will always be attached to this most important undertaking carried out in Jerusalem." Benjamin Mazar, Joseph Aviram of Israel Exploration Society.

"Heard with extreme sadness about the death of President Herbert W. Armstrong. We in Jerusalem have lost one of the best and devoted friends of the City of David." Yigal Shiloh, Director -City of David Archaeological Project

Israel: "Very sadden to hear of the death of Herbert Armstrong, a tireless worker for the brotherhood of man and an inspiring religious and public and educational personality, whom Israel regarded as a true friend. Our sincerest condolences." Meir Rosenne, Israeli Ambassador to the United States

"We learned with deep sorrow of the passing away of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the leader of the Worldwide Church of God. Please convey to his family and to the members of your Church our sympathies and condolences. Mr. Armstrong will be remembered as a great spiritual leader and a true friend of Israel." Jacob Even, Consul General of Israel Los Angeles

Jordan: "Their majesties instructed me to convey their heartfelt sympathies and condolences on the passing away of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and their hope that the life of benevolence, altruism and the drive for better understanding among peoples which Mr. Armstrong led will continue to be the inspirational path for others to follow." Adrian Abu Odeh , Minister, Royal Hashemite Court

"My wife and I were very sad to hear of the sudden passing away of Herbert W. Armstrong the great humanitarian and philanthropist, a loss the world can... ill afford at times such as these. "Please convey our condolences to his immediate family and friends and to his memory. Both the Hussein Society for the Physically Handicapped and the Jordanian Sports Federation for the Disabled would be pleased to make a $500 donation toward the Herbert W. Armstrong Memorial Fund." Majda and Raad Zeid El Hussein Their Highnesses Chief Chamberlain of the Royal Court

Japan: "I am deeply shocked and grieved at the news of the sudden demise of Mr. Armstrong. Recalling his valuable contribution to the enhancement of cordial relations between our two countries, my colleagues and I share the deep grief of your organization and his family. Please accept my deep condolence and convey my profound sympathy to you, your organization and to his family." Eisaku Sato, Member, House of Councilors

Japan: "Deeply shocked and grieved at the sad report of the passing away of Dr. Armstrong. I wish to express my profound sympathy and sincere condolence to you and through you to the bereaved family." Bunsei Sato, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications

Japan: "Please accept my belated but sincere expression of condolence in the passing of Doctor Herbert W. Armstrong. His loss will be felt by all those who shared in his tireless dedication toward world peace and especially by those whose lives have been enriched by the outstanding cultural programs presenting world renowned artists at Ambassador College over the past many years." Hazeltaizo Watanabe, Consul General of Japan, Los Angeles

Tokyo: "Deepest sympathies and prayers offered." Yasuko Yamashita, Bunky College

Japan: "We are aware of the vital contribution which President Armstrong made for world peace. And his benevolent love shown to our people and our country is always in our heart. Moreover, his generous aide to our Tel Zeror Archaeological Project in Israel through your Foundation will long be remembered by us all. We extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to you and to all whom President Armstrong loved in the world. Koichiro Ishikawa, Tel Zeror Archaeological Project

Philippines: "I have just learned about the passing of Mr. Herbert Armstrong who has been a great benefactor to the rural workers in the Philippines for many years through the Ambassador Foundation. Having known Mr. Armstrong was a privilege and an inspiration and memory of his friendship will always be cherished by me and my associates in the ministry of Labor and Employment. Considering the global scope of his philanthropic concerns and the immense responsibility this imposes may I wish you the very best as you enter into the duties previously held by him at the Ambassador Foundation. I look forward to a continuing partnership with you and your organization; carrying out the lofty aims that animated Mr. Armstrong's deep ties with us and we place ourselves at your disposal for the completion of projects already initiated under Mr. Armstrong's stewardship." Bias F. Ople, Minister of Labor and Employment

Nepal: "The royal Nepalese Embassy wishes to transmit the following message of condolence from their Majesties the King and Queen of Nepal to the Ambassador Foundation: are grieved to hear 'The Queen and I of the sad demise of Herbert Armstrong. He was a man truly dedicated to the cause of serving humanity. May his soul rest in peace.' " Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, King of Nepal

Jordan: "I was saddened to learn of the death of our good friend Herbert Armstrong. It has been a great shock to members of my family and I am sure also to the numerous friends he had in Jordan. He was truly a great man of vision and his campaign for understanding and co-existence are very much valued. I am confident that his colleagues will carry on with his mission and his great work."
Mohammed Kamal, Jordanian Ambassador to the United States

Thailand: "The queen and I have learnt with deep sorrow and profound sadness at the news of the passing away of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the founder and chairman of Ambassador Foundation who, through his understanding, wisdom and humanitarianism, has sought to give encouragement and assistance to people all over the world, particularly to Thailand, where he has devoted much of his time and resources, thereby becoming a close and valuable friend of our country. We hasten to express to the members of Mr. Armstrong's family, his colleagues at the Ambassador Foundation and Ambassador College our sincere sympathy and heartfelt condolences for this sad and irreparable loss, which will be felt not only in the United States of America but also in Thailand." Bhumibol Adulyadej King of Thailand

Thailand: "Members of the Royal Thai Embassy's staff join me in sending our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the Armstrong family on the passing away of Mr. Herbert Armstrong, a great friend of Thailand and a truly fine human being. It was a privilege to have know worked with Mr. Armstrong and we will always be thankful for the fine efforts and contributions that Mr. Armstrong has made to the betterment of understanding and friendship between the peoples of Thailand and the United States." Kasem S. Kascmsri Ambassador, Thai Embassy, Washington, D.C.

Thailand: "I am instructed to convey to you a message from the prime minister of Thailand tendering his deepest sorrow and condolences on the demise of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong." W. Sumet, Consul General of Thailand, Los Angeles

China: "Grieved and shocked to learn the passing away of Mr. Herbert Armstrong, chairman of Ambassador Foundation, a good friend to the Chinese people. His contribution to mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and the United States will remain forever in our hearts. Please convey my condolences to his family and relatives." Tang Shubei, Consul General of China, San Francisco

China: "Shocked [to] learn [about the] unfortunate passing away of President Armstrong. Please accept my sincere condolences and convey my solicitous sympathy to his family." Lin Qing Vice President of the Friendship Association and former Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations

Sri Lanka: "Heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies on passing away of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and founder president of Ambassador Foundation. Irreplaceable loss for the world at large. His message of peace and humanitarianism will glow forever. May he rest in peace. Festus Perera, Minister of Fisheries

Sri Lanka: "Our deepest sympathies on death of Dr. Herbert W. Armstrong, founder president of Ambassador Foundation. Grateful for services rendered by him to Sri Lanka and for carrying the message of peace throughout the world. May he rest in peace." G.M. Premachandra, Deputy Minister of Fisheries

Japan: "I am deeply shocked and grieved at the news of the sudden demise of Mr. Armstrong. Please accept my heartfelt condolence and convey my profound sympathy." Zenbei Ootaka, York-Benimaru Foundation

Other condolences were received from many other individuals and organizations in the following countries.

United States: the Pasadena Boys Choir; the Community Dispute Resolution Center, Pasadena; Men's Organization for Rehabilitation through Training (ORT), Los Angeles; Heber C. Jentzsch, president of Church of Scientology International; Mukunda Goswami, minister of public affairs, ISKCON

International, Los Angeles; Edmund D. Rothschild, New York, N.Y.; and Shaw Concerts Inc., New York.

China: Han Xu, Chinese ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary; and the Chinese ambassador to England.

Belgium: Leopold III Foundation.

Sri Lanka: D.T.L. Guruge, competent authority, ITN; and Mapalafama Wipulasara Maha Thera, director, Institute of Mount Lavinia.

Israel: Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University; Michael Ravid, former consul general in Los Angeles; and J. Bistritzky.

Thailand: Somdej Praputhajarn, director, Pramahanakorn Kemapale, secretary, Maha
Chulalongkorn Buddhist University; and Suvit Yodmani, member of Identity Board of Thailand.

Japan: Wichian Watanakun, ambassador of Royal Thia Embassy; Kazuo Shionoya, former member of House of Representatives; Masao Inagaki, Asatsu Inc.; Mr. Takayoshi, Mr. Yamaguchi and Yoshikazu Shibata; Mr. and Mrs. Mikio Higa; and Ryu shionoya.
[Relayed from WWN, Feb. 10. 1986-bold highlighting added for clarity]


Many of the names you have just read are individuals who belong to one or more of the following organizations:

  • United Nations
  • Masonic orders
  • Council of Foreign Relations
  • Trilateral Commission - David Rockefeller
  • Bilderberger's

Millions of dollars exchanged hands under the auspices of the International Ambassador Cultural Foundation, with Thailand, China, Japan, Asia and Buddhist markets.

Not one letter mentioned the name Jesus Christ!

Notice what countries have benefited by the work of the WCG's "Great Architect of the Universe."

What is the Architect's plan?

Ecumenicalism = one world religion = one world government = a mindless, powerless society controlled and enslaved by the so-called "hierarchical government." In order to seduce the people into submission, a god must be at the head of the helm. That god is assisted by a trained and conditioned mass called "god's army." And "god's army" is deceived and manipulated into thinking it is doing the work of Jesus Christ. It disguises itself as "inter-faith," "non-denominational," "building bridges" and "peace." God's army is conditioned by hypnosis (auto-suggestive prayer) and emotionalism and psychological mind control. Spiritual ideology is used to numb the will. The Ecumenical Movement and unification of all religion is managed by debased frauds. Ecumenism is the platform of the great Masonic obelisk. The Ecumenical Movement is accelerating at rapid speed. The New Age mysticism ushering in millennia 2000 is New Evangelicalism. Dangerous movements such as Promise Keepers are in training and preparing for its marching orders. Those deceived will be enslaved into "god's army."

The Ecumenical Movement adheres to socialism, occultism, mysticism, emotionalism and collectivism.

"It may be that the Work God has given me to do is complete, but not the Work of God's Church, which will be faithfully doing God's Work till Christ, the True Head of this Church, returns." [HWA-January 10, 1986, Dear Brethren letter]

Yes Herbert, the work does continue. But the Christ of the "one world government" and the ecumenical "god's church" is the god of this world--the GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE. And that is the eye of god!!! While the Armstrong extension groups continue to announce the gospel of "one world government," the ecumenical, New Age evangelical Worldwide Church of God continues with its newly formed mission of "advancing the kingdom of god."

The reasons behind the events continue in
Outsiders' Inside Update Volume SIX

Please follow up on the following references to substantiate the material and information in this OIU research report. 

[Disclaimer: ESN does not necessarily endorse all material from the following ministries or websites. We encourage our readers to use discernment.]

Books, Ministries, & Tapes-Ecumenism

BOOK: The Legacy of Billy Graham: The accusation of truth to error in the evangelical church, by Brad K. Gsell 
(Order from: Fundamental Presbyterian Publications, PO Box 26164, Charlotte, NC 28221-6164)

BOOK: Understanding Deception: New Age Teachings in the Church, by Roy Livesey (p.7; p.153: "The Strategy of Rome is Ecumenism")
(Order from: Religion Analysis Service, Inc., 5693 Geneva Ave., Oakdale, MN 55128.  Phone: 1-800-562-9153; Fax 651-777-7233; order online at: http://www.ras.org/catalog.htm))

BOOK: New Neutralism II: Exposing The Gray of Compromise, by John E. Ashbrook (chap.6: "Billy Graham's Catholic Connection") 
(Order from: Religion Analysis Service, 5693 Geneva Ave., Oakdale, MN 55128. Phone: 1-800-562-9153; Fax 651-777-7233; Can be read online at: http://www.ras.org/catalog.htm))  

BOOKS: by David Cloud: 
Flirting with Rome, Volume 1: Billy Graham
Flirting with Rome, Volume 2:
Key Men and Organizations
Is the Roman Catholic Church Changing?
New Evangelicalism, Its History & Its Heart
Promise Keepers Beware!
(Order from: Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061–0368; 1-866-295-4143 (toll free: USA & Canada); 519-652-2619 (voice).
[Note: While the above books may be a good expose` on these subjects, be aware that ESN does not endorse all articles or referrals by this author.]

BOOK: The Legacy of Billy Graham: the accommodation of truth to error in the evangelical church, by Brad K. Gsell (chap. 9: "Billy Graham & Communism) (Order from: Fundamental Presbyterian Publications, P.O. Box 26164, Charlotte, NC 2822l-6l64)

BOOK: Billy Graham and His Friends: The Hidden Agenda, by Dr. Cathy Burns. (2002) Dr. Burns has exhaustively researched Dr. Graham's ministry and his association with many other leaders in the Christian community.  
(Order from: SHARING, 212 East Seventh St., Mt. Carmel, PA 17851-2211
Price: $21.95; postage is 10% of order

BOOK: All Roads Lead to Rome, by Michael DeSemlen (about the ecumenical movement) (Available on tape through the ESN)
(Order from: http://www.rarechristianbooks.com/catholicism.htm)

BOOK: Today's Evangelicals: Embracing the World's Deadliest Cult, by Wilson Ewin 
(Available through your library or order from: Christian Truth & Victory Publications, 9088 County Rd 11, N.W. Alexandria, MN 56308 - extensive book list, send $4.00, deducted with your first order. Phone: 1-320-846-0835)

BOOK: Promise Keepers: Another Trojan Horse, by Phil Arms
(Order from: Sword Publishers, P.O. Box 290, Redmond, WA 98073-0290

BOOK: N.E.A.-Trojan Horse of American Education, by Samuel L. Blumenfeld (Order from: Christian Truth & Victory Publications, 9088 County Rd 11, N.W. Alexandria, MN 56308 - extensive book list, send $4.00, deducted with your first order. Phone: 1-320-846-0835)

TRACT: The Charismatic Movement is Dangerous...Watch Out For It! by M. H. Reynolds, Jr. 

MINISTRY: Brad Gsell, Fundamental Presbyterian Publications, P.O. Box 2164, Charlotte, NC 2822l-6164 (expose' on Billy Graham, communism, globalism)

MINISTRY: Jim Zilonka, Cultivate Ministries, P.O. Box 526, Florissant, CO 80816-0526 (many tapes; some videos; expose` on cults, Freemasonry, New Age movement, false teachings within the church)

MAGAZINE: Reformation Banner, July-Dec. '92, "Billy Graham a 33 degree Freemason?" and "Graham & Masonry" by Dr. S. H. Tow, Tabernacle Books, 201 Pandan Gardens, Singapore, 2260 (Exposes Freemasonry, Ecumenism & New Age)

MAGAZINE: Christian Media, published by The James Lloyd Group, Box 448, Jacksonville, OR 97530 (503) 399-8888 (exposé Hanegraaff)

MAGAZINE: Christian News, Box 168, New Haven, MO 63068 (exposes Billy Graham, etc.) 

PUBLICATION: The Ohio Bible Fellowship Visitor (Geo. Bailey), 3865 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43214-3797 (614) 262-2006 (exposes Billy Graham, World Council of Churches, Catholicism, ecumenicalism)

PUBLICATION: Christian Truth and Victory Publications, 9088 County Rd 11, N.W. Alexandria, MN 56308 - extensive book list, send $4.00, deducted with your first order. Many selections--too numerous list here.

HANK HANEGRAAFF EXPOSE`: Hank Hanegraaff Lawsuit (article)

TAPE: Billy Graham by Tom McKenney (exposes Graham's ecumenical compromises and liberal stance; giving at a 1999 Ministry to Masons Conference; thoroughly documented)

TAPE: The Worldwide Church of God Cover-Up 


Suggested reading for the serious researcher who is motivated by critical thought with a desire for critical analysis. The following books provide content analysis: (try the library for some of these)

In God's Name: An Investigation into the murder of Pope John Paul I, David A Yallop

Windswept House: A Vatican Novel by Malachi Martin

Communism and the Churches by Ralph Lord Roy, (1962)

The Deadly Deception, Freemasonry Exposed By One of its Top Leaders, Jim Shaw and Tom McKenney

God's Bullies: Power Politics and Religious Tyranny, Perry Deane Young, 1982

The Faith Healers, James Randi, (1987) (Exposing the frauds that prey on despairing people)

Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult by Dusty Sklar, (1977) (An easy reader with valuable information for victims of Bible-based totalitarian, dictatorial cults. Valuable for all ex-WCGers)

OUTSIDERS' Inside UPDATE, Volume SIX, offers many more resources, including secular and Christian Internet Web research links, pertaining to the reasons behind the Worldwide Church of God events.



1 Vol. One - Five, (Part One) of the OIU.
2 Letter from Janis Hutchinson, April 1996. Question: "Is Hank Hanegraaff given a bribe for his support?" Response: "No, Hank Hanegraaff is given a fee for his appearances."
3 Articles and audio tapes are available from the Tape Catalog for research documentation. 
4 The interview conducted by D. James Kennedy with Tkach, Feazell, Lapacka, and Albrecht, is available from ESN for research documentation.
5 Excerpts taken from Ecumenical Foundations, A History of the International Missionary Council And Its Nineteenth-Century Background by William Richey Hogg, 1952. Published by Harper & Brothers, Publishers, NY (LCC 51-11923) Extensive bibliography recommended
6 Ronald H. Nash, ed. Grand Rapid: Eerdmans, 1969
7 Predecessor of the National Council of Churches
8 The fundamentals of faith consisted of: (1) the verbal inspiration of the Bible, (2) the virgin birth of Christ, (3) His substitutionary atonement, (4) His bodily resurrection, and (5) His imminent and visible Second Coming.
9 The Young Evangelicals, Richard Quebedeaux
10 John Foster Dulles was the third Director of the Central Intelligence Association
11 Excerpts are taken from Evangelicals and Catholics together, a review of the "historic" ecumenical document by United Religious Organization.

The OUTSIDERS' Inside UPDATE is published as a Christian service for those researching and investigating the reasons behind the events of the Worldwide Church of God demise. All rights reserved.©


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