OIU Volume Three



Volume ONE ... a newsletter of understanding ... Spring `96

Published by the Exit & Support Network™
 All Rights Reserved ©

VOLUME THREE contents: (partial index)

 Network News
As The Whirlwide Turns, Part Three (Includes list of ministers disfellowshipped and ministerial exits)
Was there a choice?
Chronology of events since January `95
Let's access what is really occurring
  The United Church of God is Born
David Hulme joins the pack (also covers Earl Williams)
Divide and Conquer
An Analysis (also covers Earl Williams)
Bankrupt?? It Seems So Final, but is it???
"God's Government is Government From the Top Down!"
The United Church of God--Alabama Leads The Way
Future Forecast
Where did all this change come from?
The Pastor General is Sick!
What About the Festivals?
Apologies, or are they excuses?
What Golf Course??? (ESN's visit to Big Sandy's "76" acre golf course)
Observations From Cult Central
From the Mailbox  

Go to OIU 4 contents 

NETWORK NEWS  communications

A year ago this past May, I looked outside the window in my office and admired the spring flowers all in bloom. As the Exit & Support Network (ESN) was in the startup phase, I was just too preoccupied to visit the garden very often and enjoy the outdoors. I thought to myself, next year I won't be so busy. Next year is here and my previous thoughts stand corrected, as the ESN is busier then I could have ever contemplated.

Since the last OIU, events have been unfolding like dominos collapsing on themselves. New information finds its way to the ESN daily, as do many of the one time dedicated WCG members in search of truth. As demands to the ESN stack up, we strive to maintain our goal in providing assistance to exiters. The OIU could be published monthly without delay if all we did was compile the information and report it. However, other aspects demand our time. Our phone line rings daily with first time callers, the mail has increased with requests for help or information, the research continues and the ESN affiliates grow, while we pursue education and networking through conferences. Through it all, we make it our point to stay in touch with the exiters, the professionals and the current events.

Special recognition goes to many who actively participate in the ESN endeavor. Since last spring the ESN has aided hundreds during their exiting process. Many affiliates took an active role in that process by talking with exiters, or supplying information to them. Some have sponsored the OIU for their friends remaining inside. Being able to reach out to those in need has not only been therapeutic in personal healing, but as those who participate find out, it is very rewarding to know your efforts have made a positive difference in another life.

We've been on the go  

Thomas and Lavonne Holshouser of the WCG South Eastern Resource Network and other family members attended a conference on cults in Charlotte NC, titled "Cults in America." Janja Lalich, author of Captive Hearts, Captive Minds and Ron Enroth*, author of Churches That Abuse, were key speakers discussing topics related to cults and how they are infiltrating society. The Holhousers shared lunch with Ron Enroth while they discussed the changes in the WCG and how the WCG compares to other groups making moves toward evangelism and discipling. Lavonne states, "The conference was so helpful, especially with understanding Mind Control and how all the cults function so similarly."

[Update: The Holshousers are no longer affiliated with the ESN. - 2002.] 

[*Note: ESN no longer recommends Ronald Enroth for the reason that PFO is a member of Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR), a Lausanne-convenanted organization of which Ron Enroth was a founder. EMNR has, in fact, been instrumental in mainstreaming the Mormon religion as a Christian denomination. For more information, please see the following reports: 

The New Age Ties of the Apologetics Ministries: http://watch.pair.com/cult-intro.html
Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR): http://watch.pair.com/cult-emnr1.html] 

Another conference on mind control took place in Dallas, Texas in late March. I attended this three day educational symposium and had the opportunity to meet with several experts. They were professionals who have studied the areas of cult abuse and mind control. This particular conference offered an advance view of the topics mentioned and outlined the prevalent cult related problems in our society.

Several WCG exiters attended a NY Cult Awareness conference in NY. The timely theme of this day-long seminar was on Apocalyptic Cults. We heard from experts and researchers in the area of Aryan race (British-Israelism followers), extremist groups and Bible-based groups that expose the apocalyptic belief system. As the WCG fits that category snugly, the attendees gained much understanding from the speakers. The WCG ex-members were mostly from the New York area with one hailing from Missouri. I personally had a great time meeting up with individuals I had met through their contact with the ESN. After the conference, we ate, chatted and laughed, until we had to depart.

The ESN research also extended to New Hampshire on a fact finding and observation journey visiting the New Hampshire Patriot/Militia meeting. While the ESN takes NO position with the movement, it strives to clarify the facts --agenda-- and direction of the highly, recently publicized organization in relation to the Constitution and proposed government control (Cults have much to do with both.). Some WCG exiters tend to be attracted to extremist organizations eliciting a strong cause. Understanding the mind-set helps us to relate more clearly to the exiter of the WCG. The OIU is about research; armchair assertions cannot accurately portray the reasons behind the events.

For all the concerned ESN supporters.... don't worry, I am taking the time to smell the flowers, too!

Update (1/97): Since the writing of this OIU, the ESN has obtained information pertaining to Cult Awareness Network that exposes associations and goals not compatible with the ESN mission. [Notice: (10/00): CAN was bankrupted by Scientology and today is staffed by its operatives.]

AS The Whirlwide Turns     world globe
Part Three

The following list of ministers have been disfellowshipped with credentials evoked and were listed in a notice from Joe Tkach Jr. to the remaining ministers: [NOTE: There are 168 ministers on this list.]

Colin Adair
Dean Wilson
Doug Winnail 
Ray Wooten                                 
Dibar Apartian 
John Bald  
Alton Billingsley
Tony Bosserman 
Steve Buchanan 
David Burson
Herbert Cisneros
Robert Dick
Roy Dove 
Wayne Dunlap
Rob Elliott
Roger Foster
Jim Franks
Lambert Greer 
Vernon Hargrove                    
David Havir
Roy Holladay 
Don Hooser 
Doug Horchak 
Noel Horner 
David Hulme 
Bill Jacobs
William Jahns
Victor Kubik 
Saul Langarica
Ellis LaRavia
Dennis Luker
Ken Martin
Burk McNair 
Rand Millich
David Mills
Steve Moody 
Dave Myers
Eugene Noel
Hadden Pace
Richard Pinelli
Camilo Reyes
Larry Roybal
Robert Peoples
Carl Sable
Dan Salcedo
Stuart Segall 
Mario Seiglie
Jim Servido
Rex Sexton
Randall Stiver 
Guy Swenson
Dick Thompson
Jim Tuck 
Leon Walker 
Larry Walker
Don Waterhouse
Robin Webber                             
Ken Treybig                                
Steve Nutzman                                               
John Anderson                                              
Steve Siders                                    
Gerald Seelig                         
Graemme J. Marshall                    
Mark Mickelson                           
Bill Butler                                      
Ron Laughland                              
Bob League                                   
Charles Bryce                               
Todd Carey                                    
Tom Clark                                      
Randy D’Alessandra 
Roy Demarest                              
Jack Williams                                 
Steve Elliot                                     
Bruce Gore                                   
Mark Gully                                    
James Haeffele                             
Dan Hall                                        
Arnold Hampton                          
Mike Hanisko
Cliff Veal1                                     
Doug Johnson                               
Greg Johnson                                
Clyde Kilough                               
Mitchel Knapp                             
Randel Kebernat                            
Ron Weinland
Gerald Weston
Lyle Welty

Additional ministerial exits
John Orchard
John Elliot
David Register
Lyle Kellog
Robert Jones
Harold Rhodes
Larry Grieder 
Melvin Rhodes 
Randy Corbenal
Richard Crow
Warren Zehrung
Earl Williams
Pete Michaelson
Ken Treybig
Richard Ames
Darris Mc Neely
Fred Davis
Richard Dunkin
Thomas Damour
Howard Davis
Steve Lablanc
Gary Petty
Roy Camilo
Clint Zimmerman
Jim Chapman
Dave Clark
Tom Turk
Ken Giese
Pablo Gonzolez
Harold Smith
Carlton Smith
Richard Dunlap
Ed Pope
Ron Howe--
Rick Beam
Dave Harold
Randell Stop
Ron Weinland
Gary Antion
Leroy Neff
Dave Caprice
Bob Douglas
Chuck Zimmerman
William Bradford
Gil Goethals
John Cafourek
Tom Tullis
Roger West
Herb Teitgen
Cary Todd
Dave Treybig
Glen White
Lester Harold
Otto Lochner
Paul Lueke
Mark Welch
Bill Winner
Terry Mattson
Marc Masterson
Frank MacCrady
Al Miscnick
Norm Myers
Steve Myers
Frank Nelte
Cliff Parks
Ron Wallen
Dick Rand
Ellis Rice
Bob Rodzaj
Gerald Waterhouse
Dave Treybig
Steve Shafer
Steve Shepperd
Steve Sidars
Gary Smith
Ron Smith
Brittain Taylor
Keith Waldon
Larry Neff
Bram de Bree

By the time this is published it will represent only a partial listing. WHERE did all these men go? 

   world globe
Part Three: The Chronology of Events for the past three months and correlation of some of the reasons behind the events.

In OIU Vol. TWO, we discussed the sequence of events leading up to the Tkach Company de-culting program and introduction of the Protestant/Evangelical belief.  As the WCG continued to decline throughout the seventies and eighties, the leaders employed an array of new marketing tactics in effort to save the organization.  Despite the fact that the yearly income statements reflected financial growth, the truth is, the recruiting of new members was at an all time low.  The enhancement of financial figures was accomplished through “other means!”

As the WCG did not have a clearly written doctrinal statement, the Systematic Theology Project (STP) was an attempt to provide one.  Careful scrutiny of past literature will verify that the HWA teachings offered an enhanced system of belief characterized by mandatory behaviors.  There was never a STATEMENT OF PURPOSE.  The only way any prospect could grasp the church’s teaching was solely by wading through the thousands of booklets and articles.  By the time one read a few booklets he was well on his way to “transformation and conversion the HWA way.”  Ron Dart, chief assistant and Vice President to Garner Ted Armstrong and one time evangelist with the WCG (until his resignation in 1978), recently stated:

          “For the uninitiated, the STP was begun in the mid-70’s to pull together existing teachings of the church into one place.  Formerly, anyone wanting to find out what the church believed would have to plow through booklets and articles to find what they were looking for.  Much of the time they got it wrong--not altogether their own fault.  The idea was to provide a source book for scholars and others so an official statement of what the church believed would be available.”

[Update: Ron Dart later founded Christian Educational Ministries and is airing on a number of Christian radio with his program "Born to Win." He continues to teach Herbert Armstrong's doctrines. - 2004] 

The absolute verification of the reasons behind the current WCG events is clearly spelled out through the history of the 1970 era.  The 1980’s marked the pivotal point for decision-making regarding church survival.  Certainly, survival was a challenge to the Tkach regime.  They were the ones to assume the position of the beloved leader Herbert W. Armstrong--not an easy task when one considers how the membership worshipped the ground HWA walked on.  Transferring that HWA lust over to JWT was a task to behold.  That problem coupled with the lack of new recruiting of members forced the Tkach regime to explore many maneuvers.

Think back to 1986, shortly after HWA’s death.  JWT moved in place with all the hard-line teachings.  The Good News, Worldwide News, Pastor General letters, booklets, articles, all enhanced the Armstrong behaviors and ideology.  The JWT article called, God Restored these Eighteen Truths: How Thankful Are You For Them? (WWN, Aug. 25, 1986), depicts quite well where JWT’s head was at that time.  Throughout 1986 and 1987 there was a major push for distribution with HWA’s book, Mystery of the Ages.  [Read: Mystery of the Ages: A Review of Herbert Armstrong's Book] Many of JWT’s signed writings reiterated that this book was the greatest piece of literature ever written by HWA.  During the years from 1986 to 1990, the Plain Truth and World Tomorrow format were in constant change.  Always being billed as,  “God is opening our minds to see other ways of reaching the people he is calling.”  The membership became complacent to the simple excuses given them to condone change, and for the most part, they went along with whatever the Tkach regime put forth.  It was too soon for the questioners to realize that the frequent marketing flip-flops meant that the church was not growing.  After the church exhausted the hype over the famous TV clip, “Four Horseman of the Apocalypse” running over the TV screens, the Plain Truth (PT), took on a very secular approach (it accompanied the make-up approval). Of course, all these marketing strategy changes were billed as the famous, “God inspired new truth,” or “God is opening new doors.” Did the membership notice the rapidity of new strategies being enforced on them?  Did they question why they were told the PT and World Tomorrow telecast were not really for them, but for those searching?  One of HWA’s famous phrases was, “Never change anything that works.”  All the quick change marketing strategies in the 1980’s should have been an indication and warning that “church survival” was a problem.

We must keep in mind that insiders would have been unable to detect the shenanigans going on with headquarters.  The fear/guilt mind-control was so intense, that it prevented members from critically thinking or questioning.  It was the game plan to go along with everything and never deviate from the “GOD’S IN CHARGE” mantra planted into everyone’s brain.

As the “new truth” was deceptively injected, oh so subtly in the beginning, no one really questioned it--except for maybe Gerald Flurry and few others in the upper ranks who knew a few things!  Market and sales strategies were so rapidly changing that any good advertising and sales organization would have shuddered at the shortened time span allowed for testing the new strategies.  Were the leaders that desperate? 

Comment: Mr. Ronald Howe committed suicide in early Feb. by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, CA. He leaves behind his wife, Joy, and children. Mr. Howe was well known in Canada as he served in many areas. He also served as Pastor in Alabama, San Antonio, TX and associate Pastor in Pasadena. More recently,  he pastored the Oakland Church. Many members and ministers knew Mr. Howe well for many years. [Taken from OIU#2: Another Sad Suicide, which includes other comments on the WCG suicide rate.] [See Letter from ESN to Watchman Fellowship, which mentions this suicide and boldly confronts WF with the massive double messages in Tkach's 1-7-95 video.]

Was there a choice?

This is where the planned strategy enters that has been billed as “new truth.”  When long time exiting members ask whether Mr. Tkach is being honest about the changes or whether or not it is “new truth,” we refer them to a thorough research on the 1970 era.  Now that’s easier said then done for most questioners, mainly because they were “insiders” then and VERY limited to any factual information, thanks to their local minister.  However, as they start to recollect their past and think about names such as Richard Plache, Al Carrozzo, Al Portune, David Antion, Ken Westby, John Hull, Ernest Martin and many others-- things start to click in the mind. 

             “Wait a minute,” some say,  “These changes JWT is making now are the same teachings that all that rumpus was about in the 1970’s.” 

            “That’s right!”  we reply. 

            “Do you mean to tell me all that so called “rebellion” was because some caring high level ministers wanted to bring the church out of a cult with similar teachings they’re instituting now?”

            “That’s right!”  “That’s right!”  we retort. 

            “Was it dictatorial, authoritarian and Government from the top down, then?”  they question.

            “That is what led the 1970 pioneers to discover that HWA’s Bible interpretation had some real flaws.  These men claimed they wanted to free the membership from the constrained obedience to one man, to freedom in Christ,”  we explain.

After a little dialog and reference materials, the questioners soon became exiters and began their own journey into the past.  Thankfully, much documented material was left behind from the 1970 era that clearly outlines and verifies the agenda of today.  The 1970 era story is enormous and will be told.  Current events have preempted the space for this issue, but details will follow in the upcoming months.

Full knowledge of the 1970's era is the “proof” way of de-bunking the “new truth” spectrum and deprogramming one’s mind from the “WCG system.”

One reason why members were repeatedly drilled to “look ahead and not behind,” was so they could not figure out the inside maneuvers.  The leaders neglected to understand that under mind-control one doesn’t stop absorbing his environment, he just stores it up in a mental file cabinet for future use when he’s ready to look at the data.

As everything appears to unfold and fall apart with the old WCG structure, it becomes very plain that the “new truth” was nothing but another new strategy and a desperate attempt to put humpty-dumpty back together.  As the OIU has outlined in previous issues, the thrust is not about Doctrine or God (the D&G syndrome), it was about keeping the business in operation.  There wasn’t much depth to hold the church together after the entrepreneur, HWA, died. The HWA image sold the product: no image--no product.  The multi-level marketing company took a dive.  The only hope for survival was to incorporate a product that is known to work with the religion market.  As all the surveys indicate, Protestant evangelicalism is on the incline while Apocalyptic-ism is on the decline.  So the leaders set out like busy little beavers making friends with the popular spokespersons in the Christian arena (such as Ruth Tucker).  One must admit the leaders must have feasted on humble pie to face the enemy of yesteryear and say, they want in....!  The pot of gold softens the blow a bit; nevertheless, it had to be a tough task at first.  All that wheeling and dealing is enough to grate on anyone’s nerve, let alone the WCG leaders.  Think about all the things they had to pull off:

  • The introduction of change

  • The introduction of change

  • Making amends with the “Christian” enemies

  • Convincing the outsiders to accept the new pitch at face value

  • Keep the membership in the dark with the duel agendas (the outside and inside)

  • Implement new marketing strategies

  • Keep the "not in the know" ministers faithful

  • Digest the doctrine package so they could somehow put it across to the ministers

  • Conjure up fund-raisers

etc., etc., etc.

Since the Tkach Co. assumed the leadership role, they pretty much tried every market tactic available to increase recruiting.  A major switch into mainstream was about the only thing left if the church had a chance at all of making it.  The decline was going on for years (the financial totals had nothing to do with the growth).

No one says it better than Stanley Rader in the Good News, Nov. 20, 1978 under the section titled, FORUM with Stanley Rader.

Question: In the face of the sagging dollar and declining economy, do you foresee any problems for the Work?

Answer: "We are constantly being eaten up by inflation just as every organization is that has to live on a reasonable limited income. But we feel that the Church is now going to go into a period of growth. We have literally been static. We've been stagnating for some seven and a half, eight years. What we have experienced is the Church brethren, despite inflation, despite the difficulty it has caused them as individuals, are giving more to take up the slack that has been caused by the fact the non-member income has not grown. It has shrunk about 50% in terms of real dollars, and despite the fact that costs have gone up. But now that we have removed what we feel has been one of the primary reasons--if not the primary reason--for lack of Church growth all we have to do is begin to show a modest Church growth. We've had no growth. But if we begin to grow by even 5 percent in terms of membership, it begins to change our numbers rather drastically. And if we should go back, and we think we can, to our old growth curves, then you can see the future is bright. We always suffer more in time of inflation than in times of mild recession. That seemed to be the case for us when the country went through recession during the past 20 years. We never suffered as a result of the recessionary conditions. We only began to suffer when our growth stopped, and inflation began to eat us up. So we're hopeful about the future. It all looks bright." (emp. Ed.)

Well, the future was not so bright Mr. Stan Rader, because the church barely recruited during the eighties and many continued to leave (the reader is referred to Vol. TWO). The reason for the changes should now become clearer. It was the last resort--to make or break the organization that postulated as a church for decades, while the leaders lapped up the luxury afforded to them by the tithes and offerings of mind-controlled and deceived members. While Stan Rader and HWA globetrotted in luxury, the church was in decline. The financial reports were no indication as to the actual condition of the church, furthermore, they are very misleading (just try and read one), they do not indicate who "dumped" the extra 150 million dollars into the church bank roll during the 1980's, nor do they indicate what direction the money was filtered. Obviously, it appears.

"Worldwide News, Feb. 10, 1986,
"Media Marks Death of Herbert W. Armstrong."

"The Associated Press continued: In the Church's theology, Armstrong was appointed apostle of Jesus Christ on earth."

"Members of the Church tithe voluntarily, and the Church also says it receives significant financial support from non members who back it's evangelical work." (emp. Ed.)

Please, read that again! Who are the non-members with deep pockets? Who are these backers of the evangelical work!??? Inquisitive minds want to know!

LA TIMES, January 17, 1986

"The jet-setting Armstrong was the patriarch of a religious empire often as mysterious as it was famous. In 1934 he founded the Radio Church of God on a shoestring in Eugene, Ore. He moved it to Pasadena in 1946, renamed it the Worldwide Church of God in 1968 and proceeded to build a lavish church headquarters and the Ambassador College campus near the corner of Orange Grove Avenue and Green Street."
"In addition to the 725-student, four-year unaccredited Pasadena school, the church operates a 350-student junior college in Big Sandy, Tex., and controls the education and culture-oriented Ambassador foundation in Pasadena. The opulent Ambassador Auditorium, a pet Armstrong project and a showplace for performing arts concerts was built for $11 million in 1974."
"Armstrong brought in the Vienna Symphony for the auditorium's debut at a cost of $112,000. A year later the foundation inaugurated a glittering 64 concert series featuring world-renowned artists." (LA Times, January 17, 1986)

The 1986 Gospel announcement that Jesus Christ was coming in your lifetime to set up His wonderful Kingdom on earth and World Tomorrow (One World Government) seemed to lose steam when the flying HWA team finally landed.

Could it be that Jesus Christ, the head of his "one true church," was a big spender, and ran out of cash?

Whatever the reason was, drastic changes were necessitated by the lack of membership growth. After the Tkach Co. hard-line approach didn't produce results within the first few years, there was no choice left but to join the Christian mainstream and grab a piece of the pie. That may sound cold-hearted to those who were recruited under the Tkach Company, but for the members of the 1970's who were scorned, ridiculed, rumored against, castigated, defiled and disfellowshipped for their knowledge of grace -- salvation and the New Covenant, it's a complement.

The WCG teachings crumbled when the HWA foundation disappeared. (Parable of the sower comes to mind.) Armstrong was the real product, and he died. That's verified by observing the members' reaction to change. Those who claim that the doctrine is priority are also the ones who continue to worship the man. They are the ones who will cover-up--deny--and go through great lengths to defend the man of many deceptions. Their attitude can be understood when one realizes that the message and messenger go hand in hand. The others? Well, we are all in the process of watching the one time true believers in HWA transform and convert toward a whole new by-line by JWT Company. As they wash away the "HWA ilk, and undergo a renewing of their minds," they trust their new master that he is the one who has "the truth" again!

As JWT well instructed his flock at FOT, 1993:
"Come out of Her My People...see the selfish sinful materialistic arrogant way of the world."...REVERSE your life completely! That's what revelations mean.... The Christian is not to conform to this world but be TRANSFORMED...We think our perfect Sabbath attendance record is going to get us into the Kingdom of God. I don't keep the Sabbath to get into the Kingdom of God; I keep it because of God's personal intervention in my life. I keep it because I am saved!"

"To be TRANSFORMED means to be CHANGED...be different...a different set of values...by a process in one sense of the use, the expression by BRAINWASHING, the RENEWING OF THE MIND, to RESTORE, to REBUILD, to change into a likeness of Christ."

It seems that many followed JWT's commands--- just fine, "in many ways, shape and form," to quote a JWT saying.

Was JWT paving the way for what is transpiring today? As we will see, many financial backers (tithers) didn't aspire to the orthodox quick fix. But then, how could they accept the new teaching in the manner of which it was presented...deceptively; dialectically; with confusion and contradictions; with little support materials or straightforward explanations of the supposed teachings. For a group of SKILLED writers who for decades have been able to publish writings that were entrenched in trickery, one must wonder WHY the same team couldn't explain the "new truth" in a proper, open, honest and straightforward fashion. Was there a method to the madness?

Did the big push for Christian mainstream--flop??

Since JWT presented the January 3 1/2 hour video on the New Covenant, the church has been in great disarray. How much of this fragmentation is going according to plan? Is there really a severe rebellion occurring? Is the church going bankrupt? Will the WCG change its name? Where are all the exiting ministers going? What direction is the WCG headed? What is happening to the members?

These questions and more are answered in the:

Chronology of events
since January '95

Week one
--Joseph Tkach relays a 3 and 1/2 hr. video to entire membership on the WCG New Covenant and Sabbath teaching. Tithing becomes voluntary, but if you really want to follow Jesus Christ you'll tithe above and beyond what the LAW required.

Week two & three--Follow-up 1 1/2-hour video, sending conflicting messages regarding first video.

Week four--LA TIMES and Pasadena Star News broadcast church's financial woes. Immediate cutback in advertising/ closing of Ambassador Auditorium, lay-offs, liquidating of property/PT cutbacks/International funding cut.

Week one
--USA TODAY 2/8/95 "A month after telling parishioners that tithing is voluntary rather than God's command, the Worldwide Church of God has lost 30% of its income, the Pasadena Star News reported. It is one of the church's worst crises in its 61 years."

Week two-four--Tkach Co. relays financial stress to members.

Dear Brothers and Sisters 2/16/95, "I wish I could say that this letter is full of good news. But the truth is, my heart aches as I write it, brethren, and I have no choice but to bare my soul to you. Let me share my sorrows with you. The income of the Church has dropped sharply, and we must lay off hundreds of employees. I grieve for them, and for their families. Please join me in praying that they would be able to find other work soon."

"We are facing the Red Sea as it were. The enemy of the gospel is threatening us from behind."

"Since the amount we give is voluntary under the new covenant, it is a far more revealing test of where our hearts are. And what a surprise it has revealed! Some people have simply stopped giving anything. After years and years of preaching that Christianity is a "give" way of life, generosity hasn't been written on their hearts at all!" (OUCH! Some professionals might list that statement as emotional, spiritual, financial and psychological abuse!)

"But I'm also sad that so many families have jumped ship, so to speak, and are not supporting the work of the Church. They are failing to contribute even their fair share of local congregational expenses."

"People are blown about by every wind of doctrine, and by cunning and crafty men who teach what the people want to hear. I cannot judge their motives, of course, but I can see that their followers are following men and not Christ, comparing themselves with others and not with Christ. So I am sad for them."

Dear Brethren letter 2/23/95, "I am sorry to have to write to tell you that we may not be able to hold our summer camps this year. As you know, we have stepped out on faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, choosing to teach the truth of the Bible despite the consequences, and this has resulted in a lower level of income for the church."

"Brethren, I know the summer camps are very important for our young people, and I am willing to go ahead with them this summer if the operating expense can be met with special donations within the next four weeks."

"If we do not receive $683,000 for this fund by March 20, 1995, the camps will be postponed until next year, and your donation will be applied toward the 1996 SEP operating fund."
(This letter represents the annual fund-raiser drive to gather funds under the SEP heading.)

March--Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 3/27/95, "Last month I shared with you my sadness about having to terminate hundreds of Church employees due to a 30% decline in income. Now, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. As of March 10, income had stabilized at 15% under last year, and with our cutbacks, if income remains at this level, we will be able to remain on budget."
"As the Passover of Jesus Christ and the festival of unleavened bread approach in the next couple of weeks, I need to remind you that the seven annual festival offerings, in addition to regular tithes and offerings, are an important part of the Church's income."
"Thank you again, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for your dedication to the work God has called us together to do. Let's remember the words of Paul: "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

Within three weeks of the New Covenant Video and follow-up sermon, the WCG implements a slash and dash program while it places the financial strain blame on the members. Some old timers who have had enough of the above say, "So what's new?" The point to be scrutinized is the time frame of the mass ministerial exodus in conjunction with the rocket approach "new truth" deliverance. Many wonder how the church financial condition could have fallen apart within three weeks of the "voluntary tithing" knowledge.

While all the "doctrinal change" is causing a great distraction with the membership at large as it bombards the sermons and WWN, we learned that several high level evangelists were working secretly to put together a "reform church." We were told the newly formed corporation will attempt to restore the WCG and possibly take it over. Now, it must be stressed that the early organizers of this reform church did not call the ESN directly and relay their plans to us; however, several insiders, close to the situation did offer their "bites" of information on an ongoing basis. That input combined with our investigations and research allows us to relay the events to you in close order in which they occurred. 

By mid-Feb. to March, several names of men surface to reportedly be working behind the scenes, supposedly they were responsible for organizing a new corporation and possibly a big takeover. The men named at that time were Richard Helge (in Texas getting the legal/financial affairs together) Victor Kubik, Ray Wooten and Dennis Luker. Alex LaRavia's name was mentioned intermittently. Meanwhile, other ministers were starting to resign, for supposed doctrinal reasons. The pattern seemed to mimic a visit to the local region in question, from an HQ representative. Within a few days of visitation, the local minister would resign. This happened with Jim Franks and Roy Holladay, both of who were managerial ministers in areas that leaned conservative or legalistic. Within a few weeks of resigning, it was announced they were setting up their own corporation and bringing many members with them. The ministerial exits continued as stories piled up about in-house fights.

Big Sandy becomes enmeshed in the events as Don Ward and Tkach Company fight. JWT removes Ward, but the Board of Regents step up and vote Ward to remain in charge. Mr. Giese quits Big Sandy church; Carl Sable is kept out of services by armed guard only to be followed by Mr. Havir (who took over for Ken Geise) being blocked from the pulpit to give his sermon. [Phew.] Stories of firings, disputes about severance pays and pensions and ministerial battles were ongoing.

By mid March the picture looked somewhat like the following:

· United Church of God, Inc. from Alabama, Ray Wooten
· United Church of God, California 
· Sacramento Church of God, Wayne Dunlap
· Phoenix Church of God, Zimmerman, Forester
· Worldwide Church of God, Texas, Steve Crow and son

Since then, we are told there are over "50" WCG spin-off Corporations set up, with over 100 Fellowships, with exiting ministers and over 250 full-time ministers who have exited since January.

Not all defectors have joined the new reform group, some have migrated to Global who now reports approximately "100" ministers. One researcher estimates the ministerial picture looks like the following:
WCG--200 ministers remain

This is a rough estimate based on Tom Lapacka's quote to the LA Times, Another Schism Racks Worldwide Church of God.

"In Pasadena, WCG spokesman Tom Lapacka estimated Wednesday that the new United Church of God will attract more than 100 of the church's pastors. There were 350 pastors in the WCG as of February, but 104 have since resigned or been terminated...."

However, we find a major discrepancy in what the officials report as JWT tells a very different story.

In a Dear Brethren letter, May 25 1995, JWT says:

"We praise God for the solidarity and faithfulness of the more than 550 full-time ministers and more than 1000 elders who are filled with enthusiasm and joy about Christ's gracious activity in the Church!"

Is someone telling a fib? Officials should meet and get their stories straight because the multitude of discrepancies is allowing others to see the "hidden agenda."

Another discrepancy we find is the total WCG member count. OIU, Vol. TWO, estimates and explains why the roster listing never exceeded 45,000 to 50,000 baptized members total. Tkach Co. leaders seem insistent on floating the total around the 95,000 mark. This number would help disguise the condition of the church and financial accountability. Now that thousands have been reported to have defected to UCG and Global, JWT and son still insist the roster reads 92,000.

April--A memo dating April 5, 1995 states that three regional pastors met with Joseph Tkach, Jr. Dennis Luker, Bob Dick and Jim Franks met for the purpose of informing Mr. Tkach, Jr. on the current state of affairs in the congregations of Worldwide Church of God" All previous requests for a ministerial conference were rejected.

The note sights the irreconcilable doctrinal difference that has brought the church to the brink of destruction. It stated that all ministers and members who cannot accept the current doctrinal position should be permitted to begin fellowshipping together on the Sabbath and Holy Days without recrimination.

In an attached note it is stated that as a result of the decision made by JWT Jr., which was affirmed by his father, not to allow separate worship, it was agreed to have a meeting of interested regional pastors to determine the next step.

Oddly, even though plans were well in the works for a reform organization, regional representatives for the "legalists" were requesting to hold separate services with the old covenant keepers. When the "reform" leaders received a refusal, an immediate letter was sent out to the ministry regarding a conference in Indianapolis. Invited were all local church elders, full-time ministers, the formally employed and the disfellowshipped with ministerial title.

April 4, WWN, Pastor General Letter:

JWT opens his Personal with: "I am sorry to report that several beloved ministers have concluded that they cannot teach the Sabbath observance is not required for Christians under the terms of the new covenant and have chosen to resign from the ministry."

He goes on to say,

"It is only natural that our minds fall into certain familiar patterns of thinking, and it can be very hard to break out of those patterns. As a Church, we have believed and taught for decades that the sign of God's true and faithful people is Sabbath-keeping. Once the basis of this belief, we saw ourselves as the one and only true Church, the faithful, end-time remnant of God's people, and conversely, we saw all other "professing" Christian fellowships as deceived "Protestant daughters of the great whore of Revelation."

On the same page JWT, Jr. states, "I am saddened to report that several full-time ministers have decided to step from their pastoral duties. We have had several calm and friendly conversations with certain of our ministers, yet some have decided to resign. These are men we know and love."
"Some ministers, however, have chosen to become a divisive element in the church and have decided to start their own churches."

Jr. goes on to list many ministers who have departed but stresses that "nearly all of them have told me that they would not join any of the splinter groups." Ironically, most ministers listed on page two have immediately joined with the "splinter" Churches of God upon exiting.

In the same issue, another article, called, "Coping with doctrinal change: Give yourself time," Jr. writes, "We are convicted that Christ is leading these changes, and it is our responsibility to help our members understand them. We are definitely not out to lose ministers." (emp. Ed.)

For an organization that did not want to "lose ministers," the facts state, they have lost a bulk of the ministry backbone.

Let's assess what is actually occurring.

The Tkach Company did expect to lose many members when they started the Protestant belief campaign. The Tkach leaders stated that on several occasions. I personally recall Tom Lapacka shouting at the Tucson FOT, in 1992, that the train was moving ahead and those hanging onto the caboose would be cut loose and stranded.

Could the leaders have misjudged the membership's reaction to all the change these past few years? In April of '94, Joe Tkach made the following statement in his Holy Day sermon video:

"And the rumor was that we were going to do away with unclean meats, and that we were going to do away with tithing. How on earth are we going to get out the work? And that we are going to be doing away with the Sabbath and that we are going to be keeping Sunday instead."
"A damnable lie!"

"We are going to be doing away with the Holy Days? And we're going to be doing away with the law...? What are some of the other cockamamie rumors? Another one is that we are going to be doing away with unclean meats."

"We are not doing away with the Sabbath, the Holy Days or doing away with the law!"

Members started to see that they were victims of contradictions and confusion. While the Tkach Company thought they would subtly inject the mainstream changes, while simultaneously denying any change, the members were SLOWLY catching on. Even some ministers started getting angry over the duplicity.

The membership at large started to divide into the Tkachites and the Armstrongites. This division took time as most members had to fight off cognitive dissonance (trancing out, due to trauma and confusion). One must question whether it was a local church reaction that dictated what side the minister would follow. Certainly, HQ had a handle on the overall feeling of the area; the tithing barometer would be a foolproof indication.



Well after we learn of Dennis Luker's involvement with the "reform church," we learn of his resignation with the Worldwide Church of God.

"Dear Mr. Tkach and Joe Tkach Jr. [excerpts from a one page letter.]
I write to inform you that with this message, I hereby submit my resignation from the ministry and membership of the WCG."

"I therefore, remain a member of the Body of Christ, the true Church of God."

"Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong ordained me a Pastor in Jan. 1967 and an Evangelist in Jan. 1979. I have faithfully obeyed and served God and His people for nearly thirty-two years in the ministry of Jesus Christ."

Before the date of 4/11, in a FAX to "Denny," JWT says:

"Regardless of how you wish to sugar-coat your efforts to divide the Church, division is still the game you are playing."

JWT acknowledges Denny's position and states:

" What you are about to do, do quickly."

The letter leaves the impression that the Tkach Company was not aware of the "reform church" being organized since February. This seems rather peculiar being that the organizers were significant WCG men on the payroll, men of whom have been involved in the WCG for decades, men who remained extremely loyal to HWA through all the exposed corruption, and transferred that loyalty to the JWT administration. These same men were and are VERY aware of the true history of the Worldwide Church of God. They are in the know! They did not only watch the turn of events these past decades, they were part of them.

David Hulme joins the pack of exiters with his early April resignation letter of six pages. The thrust of Hulme's letter focuses on JWT's contradiction--duplicity--and deception with doctrine. Now, this seems quite humorous in light of the fact the David Hulme was an "in-crowd" kind of guy. He was snugly positioned in HQ and functioned in many significant roles, such as, on the doctrinal committee with Ruth Tucker; Church Administration Dept. (CHAD), Public Affairs and Public Relations, The World Tomorrow telecast and administrator with AICF. He has corresponded with other cult watching ministries and even threatened to sue one ministry for questioning his authority regarding the doctrine change/duplicity. In a letter to Mr. Craig Branch, Alabama Director of Watchman Fellowship Inc. (WF, March 5, 1991) Michael Snyder, Assistant Director of Public Affairs, states the following:

"...you may be interested to know that David Hulme (who is presenter of the World Tomorrow television program and member of the Church's doctrinal committee) and I traveled to Chicago last week, where we participated in two days of open and intense discussion with faculty members and graduate students of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (the attached doctrinal summary was presented in front of more than 400 students and faculty members.) We also reviewed church activities and beliefs with various theological journalists who were present. We found all of these discussions to be helpful and were thanked for our honest approach."

In response to charges of duplicity and deception, Snyder writes:

"I am sorry to read that you regard our direct and explicit statements about Church beliefs as insufficient. When you write that you "do not appreciate any duplicity or deception," I hope you realize we hold the same opinion about Watchman Fellowship. The church emphasizes the discovery and practice of Biblical truth over the maintenance of membership rolls."

"Clarifying points for doctrinal summary:

  • The WCG teaches the full divinity of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and affirms the oneness of God.

  • The Church no longer promulgates the statement that man can become "God as God is God." This is impossible for anyone to accomplish for a number of reasons. The Church does believe that certain attributes of God--including eternal life-- will be conferred upon Christians.

  • Upon acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Savior, a Christian is "born again."

  • Herbert W. Armstrong's book, Mystery of the Ages has been discontinued.

  • The Church's beliefs concerning modern identity of ancient Israel are currently under review.

  • The Church's position concerning the annual Feast days is this: the annual Holy Days are an expression of personal worship, resulting from the conviction of the Holy Spirit residing in the individual Christian. Perfect observance of either the weekly Sabbath or the annual Feast days will not result in salvation."

In a several page document with letters from Hulme to James Walker, Head Director of WF, Hulme repeatedly strives to convince Walker that the WCG is making honest changes:

Aug. 3, 1993
"It is no secret that Mr. Tkach wants to improve the doctrines of the Church wherever this is necessary. Neither is it a secret that some splinter groups have been formed, which you feel 'are perpetuating the errors of the past.' There is a sensitive way of presenting this material to the members so as not to encourage them into the arms of splinter groups."

"Your apparent love for a 'scoop,' however, did not give precedence to the lives of innocent members. If they get a misrepresentation from you, some might run to the splinter groups"

Hulme goes on to say...

"...you are prepared to circumvent our ability to make a wise announcement and presentation to the members. You are torpedoing the efforts of the Church to present truth in the right way."

Could Hulme have forgotten he left quite a documented trail sighting his support for all the doctrinal changes in his rush to resignation? After all, nobody said it better than Hulme, that's why he had such an influential job as Public Affairs Director under the Tkach Company.

The publicized six page resignation letter turned many an eye as Hulme seemingly throws JWT quotes regarding change right back in JWT's face. Hulme leaves the strong impression that he was in the dark with the Tkach agenda.

Hulme states:

"As far as I know, today the church is in the worst financial condition in its recent history. Upwards of 170 ministers are alienated, some terminated under questionable circumstances. The church's doctrinal position is publicly in tatters, and a significant number of its members worldwide are deeply disappointed."

"It is obvious that many do not accept the so-called "new truths," which in most cases are in fact rather old errors, as I indicated to you in my memo of January 16, 1995. These concerned members and ministers are anxious to preserve the truth and way of life they have learned and to which they are committed. They cannot be categorized fairly as legalists or Judaizers. Furthermore, they certainly are not willing to fall under the influence of Azusa Pacific University theologians, one of whom is reported to be writing "a new Constitution" for the Worldwide Church of God while others are said to be helping the church into the "Christian Mainstream" by advising on doctrinal matters."

[Mr. Hulme must have conveniently forgotten that, he was the one who was meeting with the "others!"]

Hulme continues:

"My own persuasion is that we have had a more complete, though not perfect, understanding and explanation of these matters under Herbert W. Armstrong than ever we do today. Put simply, "it made sense." What is surprising and encouraging is that various contemporary scholars can be marshaled in support of the Church's long-standing beliefs. All of this is said without appealing to God's inspiration of Mr. Armstrong and the long history of the Sabbath-keeping people since the first century. These too are issues which I cannot ignore."

As Hulme attempts to construct chronological events of doctrinal change through his own eyes, he alludes that JWT has twisted his doctrinal position since the 1970's. Hulme centers JWT as the culprit of false teachings and sights examples that show JWT as a liar. Hulme neglects, however, to see that he, too, is very responsible for the exact same behavior that he accuses JWT.

Hulme continues...

"No wonder that my many protestations about radical change were never answered, and the changes proceeded as if no input had been given. And yet you continued to insist that nothing had really changed very much. Why? Prior to December 1994 did you feel it expedient to create the impression publicly that nothing had really changed in the church's view of the law? Was the time still not right? In any event, by mid-December as you said to me on April 13, Earl Williams was getting out in front of you, and that could not go on. You then had little choice but to agree with him openly in Atlanta on December 17, 1994."

"In light of the above it seems unlikely that you will reverse your present doctrinal and administrative course."

"Of course a list of contradictions and inconsistencies does not necessarily provide sufficient reason to separate oneself from fellowship, but the implications may."

David Hulme announced his support for the changes publicly, many times. Page after page, Hulme sights the contradictions as if he were oblivious to the HQ strategy all along and attributes his 23-year involvement to a parting of the ways. Is Hulme now trying to deny that HWA was a plagiarizer? Does his letter represent his support for Armstrongism? For Hulme to allude to contradictions as the thrust of his departure leaves a stench of deception in its own right! Hulme was one of the most integrated evangelists in the entire WCG operation. His appointment to evangelist by the Tkach Co. only enhanced his participation in the intricate decisions made by the top "inner circle" dignitaries for the modus operandi. If anyone was considered part of the "in crowd," certainly Hulme would occupy a top slot.

Throughout the last several years, Hulme was the chief church official to respond to the negative PR that circulated in the public arena. On June 10, 1993, Dr. Paul Martin from "Wellspring" (post cult rehab center) was contacted with the following letter:

"A copy of your book, Cult-Proofing Your Kids, was recently brought to my attention. In Appendix C of that work you list "recommended reading" that includes several books discussing the Worldwide Church of God. Since the Church was not contacted to verify the accuracy of these sources, I take the opportunity to inform you of their inaccuracy.

For the record, all three of the publications you recommend for information on the WCG contain many serious errors and present a
decidedly inaccurate view of the Church. In each case, not only was the work based on faulty and incomplete research on the Church's position on many important doctrines, but the books are out-of-date, discussing issues long since resolved, individuals who are deceased or no longer part of the Church. [He must mean HWA.]

The Church welcomes responsible inquiries about its beliefs and practices and is very open about presenting these beliefs accurately and completely. However, it is puzzling to me how some continue to publish inaccurate statements concerning the Worldwide Church of God, all in the name of Christianity.

For your general knowledge, I have included our information packet. I respectfully request that in a spirit of Christian honesty these references to erroneous sources be deleted from future editions of your book. Please contact me directly if you have any questions about the Worldwide Church of God." (Copy to Tkach and Zondervan Publishing)

This represents many letters of this nature that Hulme applied his signature. Hulme was also responsible for sending many PR kits to mainstream (Protestant-Baptist, etc.) ministries. The kit included a brief description of changes, proving it has updated its beliefs since HWA's death. Tkach quotes are used to prove that the changes are sincere and that all the members are well informed of the "new changes." The PR kit speaks as if the new Tkach Co. is the "good-guy who, immediately following HWA's death, brought the church through apostasy, leading the reader to note that Herbert W. Armstrong was the only apostate and since his death, the "good-guys" were able to turn the church around.

Hulme is the leader of all this PR, the head honcho, the big wig, so the fact that he represents himself as he does through his resignation letter leaves no question as to a propaganda cover-up and a very shrewd attempt to discharge dis-information to the unsuspecting hopefuls for an Armstrong type church.

[UPDATE: David Hulme left UCG-AIA in 1998 and formed "Church of God," Pasadena, California; a group which "traces its antecedents to Sabbatarian roots in 17th-century Europe" and publishes a quarterly titled, "Vision--Journal for a New World." He proclaims most of Herbert Armstrong's former teachings in his literature. Read: Is United Church of God a Deceptive, Controlling Group? and how Hulme, along with seven other evangelists, were offered severance pay [hush money?] from WCG.]

On April 26, JWT responds to David stating:

Dear Dave, "It is with regret that I accept your resignation, and with sorrow that I read your false accusations and misrepresentations."

In response to a quote that Hulme used from the April 1994 sermon, JWT says:

"You accuse me of having had a hidden 'agenda of doctrinal changes' Dave, there has been no 'agenda' set by humans."

In April of 1994, I had no idea the Holy spirit would lead me to see that we had been wrong in our understanding of the old and new covenants and the implications of the fact on our understanding of Sabbath and Holy Day observance, clean and unclean meat and triple tithing. In hindsight, I can see now that there was indeed an agenda, but it was Christ's agenda."

"You seem to feel you have discovered some astounding revelation when you point out that last year I explained the Christian's relationship to the law one way, and then at a certain point this year began explaining it another way. I don't deny that. I began explaining it correctly as soon as Christ opened my mind to understand it correctly."

"You have twisted and misrepresented my comment that the recent changes have "been on my mind" since the 1970's to mean that I understood believed, and embraced these things at that time and have kept that fact a secret ever since."

How very interesting that a select few "resignation" letters from ministers, manage to become public knowledge and are accessible to many in different countries. After having read close to 50 resignation letters from the 1970-decade, it's immediately noticed that these modern select letters are short, sweet and emotionless while being tailored toward doctrinal issues only. The fact that Hulme pretends he was "in the dark" all this time offers a red flag to those carving away at the inner core agenda.

Dear Brethren, April 17, 1995: (four page letter) warning to members not to be pulled away by the newly disfellowshipped ministers.

"I am saddened to have to write you this important emergency letter to let you know that certain disfellowshipped former ministers are now forming their own church organization and have pulled out all stops in trying to disillusion and overthrow the faith of our brethren. I have to warn you that a few of these ministers want to disaffect as many members as they can in order to finance their efforts to divide the Body of Christ."

"Brethren, I implore you not to allow yourselves to be pulled into these or any other efforts to divide the Body of Christ. We have now been informed that some of these men have been at work for months, secretly laying the groundwork for their rebellion. We have also received information that certain ones would like to take control of Ambassador University from faithful University members. Some of them have tried to convince members that headquarters is 'doing away with God's law.' Nothing could be further from the truth, and yet some have used such reasoning to lead people away from the Church."

"Brethren, it grieves me that certain ministers have taken advantage of our patience and kindness toward them to devour as many of God's flock as they have been able"

"Brethren, I must also ask you to be especially generous with your offerings on the last Holy Day of the Unleavened Bread festival. These offerings are a voluntary expression of our love of Jesus Christ and support of his work through the church. We take them up on the Holy Days as a tradition, and not a commandment of God. Yet, brethren, I must tell you that we do really need these offerings, and especially at this time, when this rebellion has so negatively affected the church's income. Please give prayerfully and generously."

"And brethren, I do thank you so very much for the love and support of our Master that you are reflecting in you regular tithes and offerings. So many have expressed to me how much more meaningful tithing has become for them now that they realize tithes and offerings are given out of a devoted and loving heart rather than a mere duty. Your devotion in this way reflects your personal stewardship of the blessings God gives you. It is the way God has chosen to provide the financial needs of the church, and I thank you deeply for your generosity and faithfulness. The need is surely great at this critical time." (emp. Ed.)

As the momentum builds, more strategic occurrences and documents surface that appear to be very compatible to an inside plan for a church division. It is vital that the observer considers the histories of the key player and notice the timing of the events listed.

Ellis LaRavia sends a letter to JWT on April 20, 1995

LaRavia prints two pages of accounts of his loyalty to JWT, pointing our errors and questionable behavior throughout the years. [Excerpts only]

"When it became obvious that you wanted to succeed HWA and did everything within your power to acquire the office of Pastor General, we still sought to support Mr. HWA in his decision."

"We did not leave the fellowship when you railed against HWA and then summarily modified, altered, or destroyed the legacy that he left."

"We did not leave the fellowship when my wife confronted you with your relationship with a secretary, that had all the wrong appearances."

"You have placed our very spiritual lives and salvation in jeopardy on this table of destruction. Abolishing the Sabbath and holy days, regardless of how it is shrouded, is still abolishing the law of God."

"You have apparently said to some recently that you have believed some of these so-called "new" understandings for over 20 years. I find this hard to believe with all the hours and days we spent together from 1979 when we endured the receivership together. We also spent many months traveling back and forth to Tucson getting direction Mr. Armstrong, oftentimes two or three days a week. You called me your best friend as I tried to assist in your ministerial services responsibility as well as your private life"

"Now we have come to this! I am incredulous as to how the condition of the church has so deteriorated. And it seems it continually worsens day by day."

"God's people have suffered enough! The prudent thing is to step down along with you administration and turn over the reins to the remaining members of the original Council of Elders with Leroy Neff presiding."

The letter closes by alluding to Mr. HWA's admonition about not masking any massive doctrinal changes. Of the several letters that mysteriously ended up in public domain, this latest achievement seems to be the most believable, unless, of course, you have some history on Mr. Ellis LaRavia. Interestingly, he never mentions Stanley Rader, when in fact LaRavia had several vital positions under Mr. Rader. The letter seems to offer information that paves the way for possible future events. The letter could be interpreted as the following:

  • JWT was in charge all along.

  • JWT was the mastermind behind all the changes.

  • Acknowledgment of the "new truth" being around in the 1970's.

  • All the blame for the "future events" on the shoulder of JWT (who has been the front man with fall-guy image all along).

  • Puts HWA in a light that is not factual.

As far as propaganda goes, this letter is a success. If the JWT Co. was out to convince the media and members that they were not the plotters and planners, this would be the way to gain support.

The Indianapolis Conference
brings it all into focus

The conference convened on April 30-May 2, 1995. Over 345 ministers and wives flew from all corners of the United States to attend. Joining the WCG "renegades" were representatives from the Global Church of God and Church of God International. The goal was to organize as separate corporations under one umbrella or "Balkanize," as one we interviewed stated. The conference adopted the following:

A Mission Statement
A Brief Summary of Common Beliefs
A Transitional Plan
Attitude and Conduct During Transition
Financial Recommendations.

Several reported to the OIU that the conference was not as organized as they would have hoped and it left many with questions on various topics such as doctrine. Amazingly however, in just a few short months and supposedly behind the WCG leaders' backs, hundreds of ministers organized and UNITED to restore the noble teachings of HWA and re-institute the LAW, TITHING, SABBATH and HOLY DAYS. What is even more amazing is that JWT denies knowing that plans were in the making since January for:


The 1995 General Conference of Elders and Board of Director nominations, were as follows:

Bob Dick             selected
Wayne Dunlap
Roger Foster
Jim Franks            selected
David Hulme         selected/chairperson
Roy Holladay        selected
David Havir
Bill Jacobs
Victor Kubik         selected
Ellis LaRavia
Denny Luker         selected
Burt McNair         selected
Dave Meyers
Richard Paneilli
Jim Servidio
Randell Stover
Guy Swenson
Richard Thompson
Gerald Waterhouse
Lyle Welty
Dean Wallace
Ray Wooten         selected

These individuals have long histories with the Worldwide Church of God. They were educated in the college system and witnessed all the turn of events that have transpired throughout the decades. When names like Gerald Waterhouse surface as the new current defenders of the HWA system, one must wonder why and how he suddenly changed his pro JWT attitude as he so aptly described in his more recent sermon 1994. [Excerpts only]

What is Jesus Doing At This Time?

· Now I hope I can build into your own thinking about how God looks on people who assume that they know more about how to run God's church than he does.
· It's God's church! He built it all! He controls it all.
· If Christ left the church He ought to be disfellowshipped.
· So it's a very serious thing to raise your hand against God's anointed which is raising it against the one who is using him, which is raising it against the one who was appointed by Christ to build the Church. And people in this time don't fear evil of dignitaries--and especially those who are ordained the leader in the church, Mr. Armstrong, now Mr. Tkach
· So whatever decision is made by the leader of the church, God backs it up. And if he [the leader] changes that, God looses it; if He binds it again, God binds it again. God binds and looses
whatever the leader makes his decision in the church. So we can all know what to follow, you follow the current decisions, the practices of the church that Mr. Tkach is responsible for authorizing. If they're wrong, Christ knows it perfectly; if they're right, he still backs up the decision whether it is right or wrong.

And regarding JWT as a true apostle of Christ, Gerald says:

· There is only one who has it legally, [JWT] through the authority of Christ, that's the one Mr. Armstrong, who was God's apostle, appointed to carry [on]. You need to have it hammered in your mind, and I hope you do; so etched into your mind, your thought process, nothing else can get in there and interfere with it!
· So we need to stick with our calling and make it sure, you can't leave it and make it sure, and not let Satan in any way get you thinking that you ought to be elsewhere, you stay where you've been called!

[UPDATE: Gerald Waterhouse later left WCG and joined United Church of God, AIA, in 1995. He died September 4, 2002 after a long illness.]

Somehow, the facts do not stack up to an honest agenda. Have all these men been opposed to the changes on an ongoing basis? Was it coincidental that the radical cutbacks (listed in Vol. TWO) were on the heels on the "new truth" videos? Was the decline in church revenue really the members' fault for withholding tithes? What would inspire David Hulme to purport "doctrinal contradictions" when he, in the past eight years, documented his supportive position on the change through many publicity measures?

Now, look who shows up as CHAIRMAN OF THE UCG. It's our suddenly unhappy, WCG camper. Hulme slides into position as top gun, within days after his rush to resignation. The following excerpts were taken from articles placed in the LA TIMES. Keep in mind, it was Hulme and Lapacka who decided what the newspaper was to relay.

Another Schism Racks Worldwide Church of God,
May 4, 1995:

"The new church-announced at the close of a four-day conference in Indianapolis-will be headed by David Hulme of Pasadena, who resigned from the Worldwide Church of God."

"Earlier this year, the church reported a dramatic drop in income from member tithes..."

"Irreconcilable doctrinal differences have brought the church to the brink of destruction,' dissidents involved in the Indianapolis meeting wrote."

"Tom Lapacka estimated that the new UCG will attract more than 100 of the church's pastors. There were 350 pastors in the WCG as of Feb., but 104 have since resigned or been terminated because they cannot accept the church's movement toward mainstream Christianity, church officials said."

"Directors of the new United Church of God include six of the 14 regional pastors. Before the six resigned, they had jurisdiction over nearly half of the Worldwide Church of God's local congregations in the US."

"Also elected to the new United Church of God board of directors were three former evangelists, the highest ranking clergy in the WCG and second only to Pastor Tkach."

Group Splits From Worldwide Church May 5, 1995

"A former pastor in the WCG said yesterday his defection to establish a new church was prompted by doctrinal changes. David Hulme of Pasadena said he will lead a new sect, dubbed the United Church of God, which was unveiled Wed. at the end of a four day conference of former Worldwide pastors and elders in Indianapolis."

"'A number of us want to have continuity of belief and practice,' Hulme said, "We feel we had to do what we did."

The United Church of God will emphasize Sabbath and mandatory tithing, which had been cornerstones of the Worldwide church until recent changes." '

"The WCG finances suffered a major setback earlier this year when tithes, which the church suddenly deemed voluntary, dropped dramatically, and 10,000 members if the church's 92,000 congregates left the organization. The drop in donations caused the church to cancel the Ambassador Auditorium's popular concert series in Pasadena because leaders couldn't afford the annual $2,5 million subsidy."

"The crisis arose last year when church leaders traded the longtime teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, who founded the church in 1933, for doctrine that was closer to mainstream Protestantism."

So, right in the middle of the article the viewer is entertained by an oversized picture of David Hulme, with the caption stating, "HULME WILL ESTABLISH A NEW CHURCH!"

How interesting! Every article stresses that the income has drastically dropped due to the changes in tithing. As Vol. TWO, "Special Edition" pointed out, it is becoming clearer to all that the sudden January doctrinal, "law keeping" release, allowed for an excuse and cover-up to the real agenda and quite possibly aids in masking what is currently going on with the shifting of money. Equally amazing is the smooth transition the many pastors and evangelists make on the crossover to the UCG, especially the ones who were Tkach's right hand men!

In quick review:

We recall how disinformation seemed to be surfacing from Pasadena. Evangelists were reported to have been fired and then re-hired, retired and then reinstated. It left onlookers puzzled as to the real Tkach Company agenda. Ralph Helge is one such person, a loooooong time head of the WCG legal department and one time partner with Stan Rader from the office of Rader and Helge. Reports surface that Helge retires; Helge leaves the church; Helge sets up legal format for "Global"; Helge sets up legal format for United COG; Helge is still in church, but not in the legal entity; Helge is just renting space in Pasadena. And it goes on and on. The funniest report we've had is, "Helge quit because he sees some things are wrong." Well, Mr. Ralph Helge has been thickly involved with the WCG in EVERY degree (and in many courts). We do not doubt that he is very aware of what is WRONG!

When we consider:

--The unique timing and smooth transition of the UCG developments.
--The "key players" such as David Hulme, Dennis Luker, Victor Kubik, Gerald Waterhouse and Ellis LaRavia.
--How the Tkach Company implemented these "changes" during the past few years.
--And the massive duplicity and confusion that the Tkach Company generated with the outside Christian Cult
watching ministries. (The secular cult watchers never bought into the propaganda.)
We pause to consider whether this UNITED CHURCH OF GOD development is another INSIDE BUSINESS MANEUVER.!!!

Divide and Conquer

· The WCG was not in a healthy recruiting position in the 1970's or 1980's.
· The "apocalyptic" belief system generated resistance rather than interest. WACO and the televangelist exposure compounded the already lagging Christian public interest.
· Despite WWN propaganda about growth, local church buildings, open houses, etc., the local areas were stagnant and not generating income to cover their costs.

So what do you do???

1. A de-culting campaign combined with joining evangelical Protestantism would provide an avenue of recovery.

2. A strategy to fragment the congregations would push the non-tithers out, the legalists and Armstrongites to the offshoots and the dedicated enduring to the end Tkachites to be even more dedicated.

3. Dividing the congregations could be done by injecting confusion and contradictions, cutting off financial assistance from HQ and manipulating the "unknowing and deceived" ministers.

4. Organizing an offshoot such as, "Global" to attract the super Armstrongites. Attach the Islands through Colin as a test program.

5. Enforce the Protestant system on the membership fast and furiously just prior to the division and possible bankruptcy.

6. Segregate the conservatives from the liberals. Push/pull all the conservatives into the new UCG. Set them up as conservative local ministries and separate corporations, as to dilute the cult appearance.

7. Re-institute the WCG conglomerate under various names, United Church of God for the Conservatives and New Covenant Church of Christ (NCCC) for the Liberals. (We are told that this name was put on hold due to "legal" reasons. While it is unclear as to the exact name that will be used for new Protestant/Evangelical Church, assuredly, it will be changed. We nominate, The Weaver Church of God!)

8. Once the UCG is positioned, strongly-strip away any old WCG teachings. Start Sunday keeping, traditional holidays with Christmas trees and Easter eggs; start fellowships and evangelism; manage by discipling methods for recruiting and concentrate on the YOUTH all the way; have lots of emotionalism.... maybe throw in "speaking in tongues"--hey, a lot of Christians like that, don't knock it--with immortality of the soul and the concept of heaven and hell. That's a start!

Since the Indianapolis meeting, the UCG has been maneuvering with great speed spreading zeal across the land (and the computers) for their new (old WCG) church. The new UCG recruits instituted an "Attitude Policy Statement," which states:

"We will not criticize, judge, or condemn any individual or group publicly or privately." (point 3)

While many observers view the excitement emanating from the inner circle of the UCG, others are showing signs of discontent and lack of trust with the set-up at large. Some have voiced concern over a lack of doctrinal clarity. While the ministers continue to set up their own Corporations, the newly formed Elders concern themselves with how the tithes will be distributed. Zeal abounds while the members and UCG locals set up shop. Here is a typical zealot statement:

Los Angeles County: (May 9th) one UCG member tells his computer companions, "What a relief to be back in fellowship with those that hold true to the Word of Almighty God! The SPIRIT of the gathering was so refreshing. The central focus of the UCG is once again to preach the Kingdom of God in the context of Christ returning to rule the earth. Mr. Hulme gave a brief run-down on the INDY conference and Mr. Brian Orchard gave the sermon. Truly inspiring message of open-mindedness towards all walks of faith with a single-minded purpose to preach the GOOD NEWS OF THE COMING KINGDOM OF GOD TO A WORLD HELD CAPTIVE. Purpose of the church is to live Christianity, not to merely preach it. One overwhelmingly important aspect: NO PLACE IN UCG FOR THOSE DISPARAGING WCG OR OTHER SPLINTER GROUPS. (emp. theirs)

Another member from Alabama stated to us that, Mr. Rick Beam held his first Sabbath meeting with about 50 members and the sermon was just like the olden days. Good old Lake of Fire, God's One True Church, the 3rd and perishing resurrection, God's Government, and all the rest of the goodies.

This member said people were in a trance and seemed to love the message. Bet they did!

Solid emphasis has been placed on controlling any discussion regarding other splinters. Could that be because WCG, Global and the UCG conglomerate are "woven" together by the weavers? As the data and the facts mount, we shall see!

An exact figure for the UCG attendance is not clear at this time, but it is estimated (from several sources) to be approximately 15,000 members with 50 Corporations and climbing. Global reports 100 ministers and 7000 members also. The future of the UCG remains to be seen as the dust is far from settled and many lower ministers are questioning those "in charge" of these breakaways. The benefit to all this "hoopla" that has taken place these past few years is that some have really started thinking. It is only a matter of time for those who are under the victim column, to wake up.

Letter from JWT, Jr. to the ministry: [excerpts only]

"I am very sorry to have to report, yet again, that a number of our fellow ministers have chosen to resign. Some have also chosen to leave the church. This is a personal blow to me, because some of these men and their wives were among my best friends."

"When anyone leaves the Church, it is a tragedy. But it is especially traumatic when it is someone we have worked with, relaxed with and laughed with for almost as long as we can remember. They have become a part of our lives, and their leaving hits us like a death in the family. So it is with an especially heavy heart that I find myself having to write these things."

"But even as we grieve, there are practical matters to be taken care of. Some congregations have been left without full-time pastors, and in some cases, we are not able to assign a replacement pastor until our personnel needs and resources can be assessed more fully."

Jr. goes on to say...

"It is not wrong to be different. It is wrong to be divisive, and to try to pull away from the Church to a competing group--especially if there is the ulterior motive of trying to obtain their financial support. The Church--any church-- should be characterized by love, and not by strife and angry accusations. We hope that our brethren have learned to be aware of such tactics. However, divisive people can sometimes give persuasive speeches and thus mislead people. Let me be blunt: Sometimes the very gifts and talents that make someone an effective minister can be turned around and be used against the very people he used to serve."

"One example of deception is the claim that we in Pasadena are the ones who are teaching contrary to what we have learned--we have departed from the teachings of Mr. Armstrong. But surely the standard of truth is the Bible, not any particular teacher, even a highly respected one. Mr. Armstrong frequently warned us to avoid division and to avoid dissidents. In this, he was faithful to the message of the Bible."

"Dissident activity is sin. The Bible condemns those who cause divisions, who revile things they don't understand, who rebel against the authority over them and who are fault finders (Jude 8-19). Jude uses strong language, but it was understandable. I also have to fight anger and resentment when I learn how some have been actively working against the Church even while accepting paychecks. Some have even taken Church property with them when they formed their own congregations."

"False teachers generally seek more followers so they can have more power and money."

Jr. closes by listing 51 ministers that he classified as Disfellowshipped and credentials evoked.

From all points, his letter seems skillfully crafted and entrenched with "psychology." Also, when we think how litigious the "church" has been over the decades, one wonders why they haven't gone after the stolen merchandise with all the avenues available to them. Actually, it appears that HQ sends these ministers off to their next assignment with warm regards. We also notice how calm the WCG HQ remains while a supposed catastrophe in occurring within its fold. Considering the fact that the church only had approximately 50,000 members from the get-go, a 15 to 20,000-member loss would severely impact the financial condition--unless, of course, the church was held together by some other means. And, what about these hundreds of ministers who faithfully remained with the WCG until this point, supporting WCG all the way while the WCG paid them hefty salaries? Are we to believe that suddenly they had a massive change of heart and decided they could not preach heresy? Highly doubtful!

As some view this whole picture, they recall JWT's frequent commercials to "go join Global" if they didn't like the changes taking place in the Worldwide Church of God. You will recall, Vol. TWO, of the OIU discussed the possibility that Global was set up by the WCG to catch the law keeping, Sabbath-keeping and pro-tithing zealots before they were led astray.

Now that we see Global, UCG and CGI getting "buddy buddy," shall we say, the possibility of an inside set-up takes an even stronger hold.

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive
and judiciary, in the same hands...
may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny
--James Madison

Where Does "Big Sandy" Fit In With All This?

Here are some of the "rumors" that have been surfaced from various sources:

· The AU will have to file bankruptcy at the finish of 1995 semester.
· The AU will combine with Azusa Bible College and become one entity.
· AU will be (is) annexed from Pasadena HQ and will function as a separate entity.
· Funds to AU have been cut off by HQ.
· AU will be picked up by the UCG.
· UCG, Global and International Church of God, will together combine and assume the AU.

As one reads the possibilities, it can be safely assumed that the AU will be repositioned strategically according to the entire agenda. As we witness all the major law-keeping/Sabbath- keeping offshoot churches uniting, we can be reassured that the AU will fit snugly into the scheme of things.

Recently, there has been much rumble on the AU campus regarding a new proposal for a student contract of beliefs. As we understand it, AU is hopeful to get their students to sign contracts stating they will uphold the beliefs set forth by the church. The contract would allow for doctrinal change by the organization and the contractee would be accountable to adhere to the change. This issue is full dialog these days within the AU area and will most likely be refashioned due to Amendment rights! The OIU will clearly define the decisions in the next issue. One person commented that what AU is attempting to do is analogous to a bank changing the terms of mortgage loan without the lender's knowledge and then foreclosing because of a breach in the new mortgage contract.

A Sabbath Conference:
JUBILEE `95 The Sabbath in the 21-Century

Speakers and attendees from WCG, SDA, CGI, GCG, CG7, UCG, etc., combined on May 28--29 as Sabbatarian fellowships to attend many Sabbath related seminars, participate in Q&A, visit Educational booths, fellowship and to spiritually bond. This new conference sponsored by "Friends of the Sabbath" was held at Dana Point Resort, Dana Point, CA. The conference was open to all for $95.00 per person or $175.00 double.

The organizers stated that there would be no proselytizing, or nothing to join, just a reaching out across corporate and church bounds, to serve those in need. Attendees will be entertained by speakers: Dr. Samuel Bacchiocchi, Dennis & LeeAnn Luker/UCG, Ron Dart/CGI, Peter Nathan, David and Sandy O'Malley and others.

This is another opportunity for the "spin-offs" to come together and unite as one. Possibly, next year they'll be able to hold this conference in beautiful Big Sandy.

An Analysis

Observers scrutinizing the events of the WCG these past few years have been quite puzzled as to unfolding of events within the organization. There are some, however, who have not been so distracted by doctrinal persuasion and have looked deeper into the agenda of the Tkach Co.

The "selected" men on the board of UCG have been significant partners in the WCG leadership for the past decades. These are men who have witnessed ALL the behind the scenes occurrences with the HWA and JWT regimes. They were privy to "inside information" in every degree. It is likewise fair to state that they knew HWA's/Stan Rader's every move and have not only been in step with the directions of the Tkach Co., but have been instrumental in carrying out the plans.

Now these men claim, through resignation letters, to deny their knowing what was going on. As they hide behind the "HWA beliefs," they postulate as being naive to modus operandi of their parent organization. At best their letters read like smoke screens.

How interesting to observe individuals such as Waterhouse, Hulme, Luker, Kubik and others pretend that they too were victims of the contradiction and confusion put forth by the Tkach Co. Do these men think they have not left a "sawdust" trail behind their impromptu exodus? Have they been so successful in the past to "snow" their public that this recent move should also obtain positive results?

After several years of postulating change, the "mainstream" strategy escalates on the heals of Earl William's Grace and Gospel preaching exposure. The Tkach Co. found itself displeased over Earl William's preempting of the Protestant message to the WCG members. Could Earl William's have been used as catalyst to expedite the "Tkach new truth?" Interestingly, the demise of Earl Williams came on the heals of the New Covenant Video. But why, some ask, did JWT wait so long to make the changes? Why hadn't he come out straight with the Protestant teachings from the beginning?

When that same question was posed to Joe Jr. and Mike Feazell by other Christian Ministries, their reply was, "We're mindful of a rapid loss of membership." Therefore, the leaders decided to make the changes in small increments in effort to placate the membership rolls. How uncanny that the Tkach Company decides to enhance the speed of Protestant changes as the UCG is well positioned to assume the previous WCG role.

As the legalists scurry over to the newly devised UCG corporations with their tithing dollars in hand, the WCG announces to the public that financial affairs are in danger.

The LA Times, Pasadena Star News and other publications have printed the financial distresses just the way the information was relayed to the papers by the WCG leaders. Whatever has been printed in the papers is exactly what the Tkach Co. wants printed. As the news about the WCG financial downward spiral is advertised, the leaders earn recognition for their courageous and faithful decisions regarding doctrinal changes. If all goes well, Joseph Tkach and Co. could be viewed as a man after God's own heart by the Christian ministries-- despite the fact that the church may, in the future, file for bankruptcy.

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