OIU Volume One



Volume ONE ... a newsletter of understanding ... Fall `94

Published by the Exit & Support Network™
 All Rights Reserved ©

VOLUME ONE contents: (partial index)

Network News
As the Whirlwide Turns, Part One:
(current events and strategies that have been implemented by the WCG in efforts to de-cult the look of the WCG and answers to why it is happening)
So What's it All About?
(Why a different story was told to the outside than what was truly taking place inside the church)
What makes a cult a cult?
The CRI story (Christian Research Institute)
Network Affiliates from Afar
Therapeutically Speaking
(issues regarding psychological and emotional effects from cults)
Waterhouse alert!
News to You
A Church in Decline? 
From Our Mailbag  

Go to Volume 2 contents

NETWORK NEWS  juggling

The past six months have been anything but quiet. The WCG Exit & Support Network has been feverishly committed to aiding the victims of the WCG on a full-time basis. Many readers were direct recipients of the help and support the Network provided. What's keeping us so busy?

  • 314 mailings, many were complete exit packages.
  • An average of six phone calls daily.
  • Attendance at five significant conferences.
  • Ex-member out-reach.
  • International networking.
  • Compiling data regarding WCG, other cults, and therapeutic cult issues.
  • Coordination of affiliates in Canada and Australia.
  • Organizing COP-AID, (Coalition of People Against Intentional Deception)
  • Extensive research on WCG history, current events and future agenda.
  • Awareness Campaign: counteracting duplicity; manipulation; and gross deception in the WCG as well as in Christian cult watching community regarding the WCG.

Space will not allow a full report on the above; however, readers who wish to be more informed with the current events are invited to contact the Network.

The need for the Network has proven itself time and time again. There are over 3,000 cults in the U.S. alone, more than 600 of them are Bible-based. Recent statistics given at the 1994 Evangelical Ministries for New Religions (EMNR), counter-cult conference, estimated twenty million people involved with cults in some capacity in the U.S. alone. Their tactics may differ, but their agenda is the same. The Bible-based cults hide under the constitution, rip off with tax-benefits, violate human rights and strip the FREEDOM from every recruit. Under the heading of religion, the goal of power and money is achieved through MIND CONTROL (brainwashing /hypnosis), coercion, manipulation, reverse psychology tactics, exploitation, control, fear and abuse in every form. This violation and abuse of Human Rights is allowed in our permissive society while the passive populace does nothing. The cults of today are BIG business. Religion, unfortunately, serves as a safe umbrella and vehicle toward attainment of deceitful goals while God searching, well-meaning vulnerable people get manipulated by the money-hungry sharks.

Upcoming issues of the OIU will detail some of the debilitating effects of cult involvement. As many well know, the healing process can take years. Others may be haunted by cult after-effects throughout their lives. [See Articles]

It is naive to think that the "cults" are going to "go away." They are here to stay and are growing by leaps and bounds while they employ the most sophisticated techniques and maneuvers available to further their agenda. Education is the only key to surviving this wicked phenomenon. Those who have been victimized and psychologically tortured by cults, such as the WCG, stand as the most credible witnesses. Awareness and warning the public is the only hope of rerouting the next likely candidates from buying into the FREE LITERATURE, which in turn, for many, cost their entire lives.

As the Network strives to help those questioning or exiting while it maintains an awareness outreach, it is hoped that all who are able, participate in the endeavor of making the Network... work. As many will attest, the most therapeutic thing one can do is to help the next victim. The Network is for the WCG victim! At present, the Network has two affiliates, one in Canada, the other in Australia--and many are needed in the U.S. alone.

All victims learn lessons. The lessons learned from the negative WCG involvement can be turned into positive experiences. Everyone has strengths! Our individual strengths, pulled together, can make a great difference in combating the corruption and fraud played out in the name of Jesus Christ.

As The Whirlwide Turns...          world globe
Part One: A New Axis??

Those watching the turn of events within the WCG throughout the past several years have been witness to what many term an explicit, well-orchestrated propaganda campaign involving multiple uses of Mind Control and manipulation of business strategies. The cry of, "What is going on?!" has permeated the media, secular and Christian cult watchers, affiliated outsiders, and most importantly, the membership. The Adventism theme of Prophecy and Apocalypse NOW certainly is not the diet for the Council of Churches, but as the Evangelicals, Catholics and some New Age sects can attest to, the Trinitarian card is.

This several part series, As The Whirlwide Turns, will update readers on the current events and strategies that have been implemented by the WCG in efforts to de-cult the look of the WCG to gear up for big business in the '90's and the new millennium. Analyzing the current trends objectively renders much difficulty for most onlookers. Many aspects must be considered through research and understanding:

  • Comprehensive history of Herbert W. Armstrong, prior to the Radio Church of God

  • HWA's affiliation with other religious denominations, organizations and pertinent individuals who influenced the thinking of HWA and enhanced the overall agenda of the WCG

  • The inception of the Radio Church of God in Oregon

  • The Anglo Saxon--British-Israelism--Lost Ten Tribes movement (Identity Movement), which was the substructure and foundation for Armstrongism throughout the decades

  • The growth and development of the church throughout the 1940's and 1950's

  • The doctrinal messages and Gospel: "One World Government/Kingdom"

  • The introduction of Stanley Rader and Ralph Helge in the late 1950's, around the same era as the sudden death of Richard Armstrong.

  • The intense growth of the 1960's

  • The multitude of HWA international trips visiting distinguished dignitaries, with his chief advisor Stanley Rader

  • The massive building construction paid by the membership

  • The AICF and the Ambassador Auditorium (God's House turned big business)

  • The entire story of the 1970's: Garner Ted, major doctrine disputes, ministerial defections from party line, membership rebellion, Christian cult watchers scrutiny on the church, international exposure on alleged frauds, sexual improprieties, gross opulence and fund misapplication, and deceptions

  • The court battles and receivership story

  • The reasons behind the freeing of the receivership

  • What the Human Potential/QUEST magazine stood for

  • The Systematic Theology Project

  • The early to mid 1980's push with prophecy, British-Israelism, doctrinal enhancements, Holy-Day plan of Salvation, and legalism

  • The truth about the Human Potential and Mystery of the Ages, supposedly authored by HWA

  • HWA's true state of health and capabilities the last ten years of his life

  • HWA's past "sins" and his failed marriage to the forty-year-old secretary of Stanley Rader

  • The Tkach hard-line government following HWA's death

  • The image changing campaign and PR with the outside evangelical community and Christian media starting in 1987

  • The formulation of a new doctrinal package, which appears to the outside Christian community to coincide with the mainline acceptable orthodox belief (Trinity, Born Again- Salvation by Grace-Kingdom is here NOW, no Baptism required for Salvation, NO one true church, Sabbath and Holy Days not required, just practiced, are some of the supposed changes.) The message to the Christian cult-watcher is very different than what is being instructed to the membership. The inner church has no idea of the depth of supposed changes being reported to the outside, nor do they comprehend the supposed strategic changes. There has been no significant support material to clarify supposed changes for the members.)

  • The doctrinal committee consisting of popular, publishing evangelicals and theologians.

  • The double-talk, duplicity and diabolical doctrinal messages administered to the inside members

  • The major current recruiting campaign consisting of new ad strategies, personal evangelism, Open Houses, community services (similar to the Moonies) Plain Truth format change, World Tomorrow telecast removed from the TV, accreditation of Ambassador College to Ambassador University (the college business), etc.

  • The training programs and support materials to enhance the success of recruiting by personal evangelism and Open House engagements.

  • The opening up of new markets with registrations in countries previously refused.

  • Understanding of the Global Church of God, in relationship to the WCG.

  • Knowledge of the present leaders and their backgrounds.

  • Understanding of the WCG ten-year goal plan and how it fits into the "global" perspective and united world agenda.

Compiling the necessary research in the above areas is no easy task; the reason for this will be revealed throughout this series. As many exit the WCG, confused and dazed and groping for the true light, it is their hope to find peace and understanding about their involvement with the WCG. For most, that is an impossible task unless the shattered pieces of the past are revealed, reviewed and accepted. The thousands of God-searching people, who paid dearly with their entire lives to a government throughout the past sixty years, deserve to know, what in the Worldwide is going on? Knowing tidbits about what is currently going on is limited knowledge when not accompanied with answers to why it is happening.

The WCG/Armstrong/Tkach organization (hence forth noted as the WAT) is a big story. It's tentacles encircled many lives in various degrees. The total picture can only be understood by close evaluation of all the components. Part One of this series will summarize the past few years.

Christian Research Institute (CRI) in Irvine, CA previously held a pristine reputation under the direction of Walter Martin. Following the sudden death of Mr. Martin on June 26, 1989, CRI management was assumed by Hank Hanegraaff. CRI sponsors a radio show, called the Bible Answer Man. On their international broadcast in early May the CRI stated that the "WCG has repented and has come around to affirming the Trinity." They go on to say,

"This is cause for rejoicing of all of God's people, and we are thoroughly persuaded, that contrary to the speculations of some, this is not some public relations maneuver, not some sort of window dressing or attempt to deceive people or dissuade their detractors. This is TRUE repentance, true submission to the word of God."

Anyone who has been affiliated with the WAT in the past ten years would term the CRI statement as bizarre and totally ungrounded. As members were oblivious to changes that were being reported to the Christian community (previously known as Satan's deceivers) in 1990, select leaders of the WAT were secretly meeting with several publishers and writers in the counter-cult arena. The purpose of these visits was to demonstrate to the "Christian heavyweights" that the WCG was changing its ways. The propaganda maneuver worked in some arenas and it wasn't long before Ruth Tucker, author of Another Gospel, was snugly positioned on the WAT Doctrinal committee along with a featured article in the Plain Truth magazine. Several others, such as CRI, joined Ruth Tucker as the authorities for setting up the parameters for the WAT doctrinal changes. As the strategic maneuvers continued with those outside of the WAT walls, the members were unaware of the magnitude of doctrinal changes being reported. As members exit the WAT, they find themselves astonished that publications such as Christian Research Journal and Christianity Today have written articles over the past couple of years indicating that the church was moving toward orthodoxy and the Trinity, when in fact, the membership was being taught the direct opposite at that time!

Since the WACO occurrence, a mixed bag of changes have been expedited; however, any "changes" that have occurred were doctrinally accompanied by confusing explanations, duplicity, contradictions, cover-ups, misrepresentations denial of facts and, of course, disfellowshipments due to questioning the ministry. Meanwhile, the old teachings and legalism, which outsiders consider to be Armstrongism, continued to be the mainstay of the WAT diet.

As a small handful of WAT leaders diligently worked the Christian Counter-cult crowd with reports of doctrinal changes, the Tkach team vehemently esteemed [and still do] Herbert Armstrong as God's true instrument and an author of change to the membership.

So why did the WAT leaders tell the outside a different story than what was truly taking place inside the church? And what was the reason for these "changes" anyway?

Ex-members regain critical thinking skills, which allow them to discern the truth from the deception. Many pursue investigations on the organization and uncover the hard-core facts behind the front of a religion and church. One only has to research the 1970's era to uncover the magnitude of corruption within the church at that time, which led to international attention and expose'. Hundreds of newspapers picked up the negative PR that permeated the airways. The WCG became the main focus for Christian cult watchers. Countless Christian writers challenged the church in every degree doctrinally, while secular cult experts appropriately labeled the WCG one of the more destructive cults in America due to the methods employed by the WCG to gain control of the group and individuals. Yes, the exposure of the fraudulent agenda of the 1970's took its toll on the recruiting of the 1980's. HWA always said, "Never change anything that works," and the reality is, it wasn't working anymore.

Shortly after the WAT leaders started the de-culting campaign by fostering relationship building with the enemies of the past, including "Church of God, Seventh Day," negative publicity came to a halt and was replaced with positive affirmations regarding orthodox changes in Worldwide. Some have termed this propaganda as ingenious. All the WAT had to do was face their enemies of yesteryear, convince them that WCG was making changes, and shake hands. In turn, the enemies of the past start their own PR campaign selling the new WCG in a positive light. [A no lose situation for the wealthy leadership.] The easy strategy consists of cashing in on the negative PR that cost the church financially and replace it with all the FREE PR that the Christian cult watcher will offer. Meanwhile, the coalition of cult watchers who are defending the WCG, are left feeling great about themselves because they think the leadership is changing the doctrinal plan due to their personal efforts.

No one would deny that the WAT organization was/is quite skilled in appealing to vanity. Sadly, the WAT targets (like CRI and Ruth Tucker) are not mentally, intellectually or emotionally prepared to take on the deceptive tactics that the well-trained present day leadership represents. In turn, due to ignorance, many well-meaning cult educators are guilty of printing positive remarks about the WAT without having done an investigation or thorough research other then taking the hearsay from organizations like CRI. Much damage has been done to the victims of the WCG; even more importantly, it would appear that the WCG propaganda program is working, so therefore the damage to new possible recruits is even more significant. Why? In the past many seekers were able to learn about the WCG's position in the religion market prior to making a commitment, due to the reporting in the Christian media.

Why did the WAT organization play the "we've changed" game to begin with? Many theories have been posed:

  • The Catholic/Evangelical/Protestant churches and Council of Churches helped to bail the WCG out of the Receivership in 1980, so in turn, the leaders from all parties perhaps cut a deal something like this, "We'll bail you out of this mess, but you better slant your doctrinal package to our side within ten years."
  • The WCG decides to get politically correct and prepares for the universal religion movement that is presently taking shape in conjunction with the "global" agenda and the proposed "united new world"--which by the way, was the WCG's gospel (and still is intermittently), "to bring on one world government!"
  • The WAT leaders monitor the trends in religion and cults to date and align with a more acceptable, vogue package for recruiting purposes. For instance, the International Church of Christ, (formerly known as the Boston Church of Christ) has grown immensely these past few years through "personal evangelism and discipleship methods."
  • The WAT decides to follow the strategies of big cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons and build a solid corporate business empire. [Both these groups also recruit big numbers through personal evangelism.]
  • The Plain Truth, October issue, pg. 29 states, "One in Three Are Christian," "More than a third of the world is Christian, making Christianity the religion with the largest number of adherents in the world." In a business sense, that is a large chunk of the market. If "Trinitarian" Christianity were that popular, it would make sense to align with what IS working.
  • Or, last but not least, maybe the "dark skeletons" of the past have come to haunt the "One true church" for all the damage created by the proponents of the British-Israelism/Identity Movement (Lost Ten Tribes).

Whatever the precipitating reason for the de-culting maneuver and propaganda campaign is, rest assured the goal is power and money. While the "select coalition" fights on the WCG's behalf by nit-picking doctrines, the leaders capitalize on the distraction while moving fast and steadily implementing growth and recruiting campaigns throughout the world.

There have been no respectable training programs for doctrinal changes other than contradicting statements. But many dollars have been poured into in-depth training programs involving Personal Evangelism and Open Houses. As Joseph Tkach stated in his major speech of the year, at the `94 Feast of Tabernacles, "The HOMOSEXUALS have now come out of the closet, it's time we Christians come out of the closet too." That is exactly what the WAT plan is all about. Out of the closet and onto the street, it's recruiting time. The membership has been inundated with literature and sermons on evangelizing. They have been introduced to videos and training programs geared toward learning how to "talk it up," (love-bomb). Joseph Tkach states that Jesus "wants us to do our part." "Our part" means to serve God by bringing new people into the church. The last two years have demonstrated heavy devotion toward the evangelism training program. The so-called, "changes" offer an evangelism package.

It is highly doubtful that the WAT could pull off a massive recruiting campaign through evangelism/Open Houses with a belief system consisting of the old beliefs: Identity Movement, You're going to be a God someday and own your own planet, You won't see physical death, but be changed in a twinkling of an eye, Salvation by works and legalism to boot, just to name a few things.
What the "select coalition" (outside Christian cult watchers/publishers/writers) didn't understand as they squabbled over doctrinal words on paper with the architects of the Church Administration Dept. (CHAD) [which never includes Joseph Tkach in person], is that the WAT has always been about power and money, not God and doctrine.

The strategy is well organized. The "mixed bag" of doctrinal confusion (change), has opened new doors for the old WCG.

  1. The church has registered in several countries during the past six months that have, in the past, flatly refused their presence.
  2. Ambassador College received accreditation in July `94 and is now to be called Ambassador University per Joseph Tkach. This was the main reason why several ministers were attending liberal colleges and receiving degrees in Theology. The college business has spawned several necessary changes.
  3. National Open Houses have been running throughout the past two years. The October issue of the Plain Truth states: "Join Us For Get-Acquainted, Open-House Services." "During the month of November, many of our congregations will be holding special open-house services for Plain Truth readers like yourself. People who want to know God, the Bible and the Christian way of life."
    "More details coming next month on an open house near you---in the meantime, for an overview of the church's activities, request your free copy of --Introducing the Worldwide Church of God--"
  4. Community service is now a focus, whereas in the past it was, for the most part, forbidden, or at least shunned.

All these new recruiting adventures required strategic implementation of programs, which involved much training of members for the purposes of evangelism, plus manipulation of the previous doctrinal package to something more appealing and believable. Other recruiting strategies include: removing The World Tomorrow television program and replacing it with concentrated ads molded after the "Mormon strategy," having the Plain Truth magazine's artwork emulate the Jehovah Witness style while the written text format targets to the despondent, searching audience; Reader's Digest major ad campaigns restarting with the high draw lure of the "Spirit World," beefing up community services and fund-raising events in local churches--even Canadian members are going door to door passing out Plain Truth advertising flyers. Also, the management of the membership has taken an about face with its new approach for getting results through people. In the past the "go-getters or mavericks" in the church were squelched; however, now they are picked for special mover and shaker committees to get the job done. The new target markets and recruiting methods offers a list too extensive for this OIU; however, readers should note that the WAT's strategic maneuvers include a heavy push toward the youth. The YOUTH magazine is filled with recruiting lures and pamphlet requests. It is also the magazine of choice being shipped to Doctors' offices and libraries, colleges, and public schools throughout the country. The YOUTH magazine format has fooled many who refused the Plain Truth in the recent past. Even the magazine artwork is geared toward recruiting. Professionals in the field of hypnosis and mind control state that the magazine appears to use colors, which are considered to be the luring hues (orange, red, green, yellow, on dark background), and when these colors are meshed into a "grid type" of art, it is almost impossible to resist.

(See `94 PT's, March, April, May/June, Oct. and notice the format of YOUTH `94: Jan/Feb., Mar/April, May/June.) Interestingly, the PT pre Feast, September issue is more upbeat with happy faces denoting the theme, "come to our church."

So What's It All About?

The WAT had to change if it was to survive this rapidly changing world. That in itself is OK. The issue is, what is the truth and real agenda behind this organization? Many cults have restructured their strategies in the past ten years including the Mormons, Unification Church (Moonies), and The Family. Even the Jehovah's Witnesses pursued moderate changes. Cults periodically attempt to mainstream or clean up their image in effort to gain respectability for new recruiting purposes.

Throughout the years the WCG used the "commanded tithes" to grow toward a multi-million dollar annual revenue organization, in addition to its assets in real-estate, aircraft, investments, and other businesses such as travel agencies, insurance, Ambassador Foundation, and the newly accredited Ambassador University. Unfortunately, while the "church" was expanding in opulence and the leaders were living like kings, the impoverished membership was highly exploited by an authoritarian and totalitarian government that demanded complete control on its people. Lives were lost, families were destroyed and individuals were spiritually, psychologically and financially abused! Thousands were manipulated through deception, coercion and fear into believing that they had better be obedient to the "one true church" or their end would be the "Lake of Fire." Many spent over thirty years devoted to an addictive system of beliefs and behaviors as instructed by the leaders with the understanding that, "If you break the Law, the Law will break you." As the WAT reconstructs its sales package and places new recruiting demands on its members, it continues to esteem Herbert Armstrong as a true servant of God who brought great truth through the foundation of the Bible.

It is a fact that billions of dollars have been paid into the WCG's false gospel while an "empire" was built. The main WCG attraction was "British-Israelism" (which is part of the same Aryan belief system shared by many of the Right-wing Christian racist organizations such as the Skin Heads and Ku Klux Klan). As the message to the Christian public takes on a mainstream orthodox appeal laced with a verbalization about Jesus, the membership remains in a state of confusion and cognitive dissonance. Many are experiencing a "trancing out" due to the double speak, dialectics, and combined agendas of the past and present. Also, not only is there a lack of education toward spiritual understanding of any supposed doctrinal changes, Joseph Tkach has not denounced most of the previous church teachings to the membership. While he has stated the church was wrong on a few matters and is updating booklets, he has also positioned the blame for misinterpretation of beliefs onto the membership. The current message is: It is not a matter of understanding doctrine that will earn salvation, if you don't "get it" that's OK as long as you stay in God's Church! Members have been told specifically that they are still under the Law. As Joseph Tkach stated to the membership in a worldwide satellite transmission on Sept. 19, 1994:

"You see Christ gave Matthew 5 to magnify the LAW--to make it more binding. No one is saying or accusing, or as I have been accused of, that I am doing away with the LAW, that we are no longer required to keep the LAW. But, I want everyone to know worldwide that I do not keep the LAW to be saved. I keep the LAW because I am saved. I serve God because I am saved. I conduct myself in a certain manner or way because I am saved. I do all the things that are pleasing to God because I am saved and I do have the Spirit of God." (Tkach goes on to say) "But if you trace it back from Acts 5 vs. 32, 'God gives his spirit to those who obey,' that means we have earned it! We have the right to receive the spirit of God because we obey God. We worked for it!"

Herman Hoeh, an original Armstrongite, evangelist and present Executive Editor of the Plain Truth magazine, points out in his tape, Unfinished Business, "The church will continue to change its point of view." Meanwhile, the WCG mega printing presses crank out booklets to support the current belief claims. The WWN, July `94 issue article, Booklet staff keeps pace with updates, says, "Edits will also reflect growth in understanding of the characteristic language used by Old Testament prophets as well as a view of prophesied events." It goes on to say, "Economic factors, growth in understanding and changing audiences mean that our literature collection will never stay static."

This ought to keep the cult watchers busy!

This brings us back to the question, what is the real agenda here? Those who research, scrutinize, and investigate the total picture, know that the de-culting strategy is just part of the long-range plan. The "changes" employed will meet the criteria for obtaining the goal. Power and money is the objective. The objective cannot be met without a major recruiting campaign, which will add members, who in turn, will pay the "commanded tithes" and offerings. The income will be enhanced by fund-raising efforts and evangelistic recruiting.

So, has the church changed? Yes, but it is the same church, different pew--or better-said, same candy, different wrapper.
Has the Law... changed? Has the authoritarian, "top down" government...changed? Has the secrecy and withholding of information...changed? Has the legalism ...changed? Has the "God inspired" Tkach interpretation of the Bible ...changed? Has the "one true church" belief... changed? Has the theme of God's Government... changed?


What Makes a Cult a Cult?

From the book Captive Hearts Captive Minds, Madeleine Tobias states the definition of cult, adopted at a 1985 conference of scholars and policy makers:

CULT: A group or movement exhibiting great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea, or thing and employing unethical manipulative or coercive techniques of persuasion and control (e.g., isolation from former friends and family, debilitation, use of special methods to heighten suggestibility and subservience, powerful group pressures, information management, suspension of individuality or critical judgment, promotion of total dependency on the group and fear of leaving it), designed to advance the goals of the group's leaders to the actual detriment of members, their families, or the community.

Three characteristics that help distinguish a cult from other groups are:

1. Members are expected to be excessively zealous and unquestioning in their commitment to the identity of the leadership of the group. They must replace their own beliefs and values with those of the group.
2. Members are manipulated and exploited, and may give up their education, careers, and families to work excessive long hours at group-directed tasks such as selling a quota of candy, [fruit], or books; fund-raising; recruiting and proselytizing.
3. Harm or the threat of harm may come to members, their families and/or society due to inadequate medical care, poor nutrition, psychological and physical abuse, sleep deprivation, criminal activities and so forth.

The following are other characteristics provided by clinical psychologist who has been researching cults and thought-reform programs since the 1950's.


1. are authoritarian in their power structure.

2. tend to be totalitarian in their control of the behavior of their members.

3. tend to have double sets of ethics [one for the leader and another for the members; one for those inside the group, and other for dealing with outsiders].

4. leaders are self-appointed and claim to have a special mission in life.

5. leaders tend to be charismatic, determined, and domineering.

6. leaders center the veneration of members upon themselves.

7. appear to be innovative and exclusive.

8. basically have only two purposes: recruiting new members and fund-raising.

The select coalition of Christian-counter cult publishers and writers have done a great disservice toward the well being of searching Christians by giving approval to "a church" that has carried the reputation as destructive, without having done their homework. CRI (Christian Research Institute) has ignored the pleas for help by exiting members, and fostered the de-culting propaganda by positioning itself as the authority on cult vs. non-cult. The WAT leaders diligently strive to get removed from the hundreds of cult references and use every sales/propaganda tactic available to them. Meanwhile, the word Trinity becomes a vogue term as its definition joins the category of abused and distorted terminology increasingly employed by cults to get the job done. Those who have made judgments about the WCG based on the leaders' words have positioned themselves as participating parties towards any deception and personal destruction of its members.

The CRI Story

As the Christian Research Institute continues to extend its ministry by capitalizing on the reputation of the late Walter Martin, President Hank Hanegraaff apparently does not have the credentials to fill Mr. Martin's shoes.

CRI's positive stand on the new Worldwide became increasingly noted by newly exited members. Many reached out to the leadership of CRI countering the claims they were making and voiced their accounts of the personal abuse they experienced within the church. Frustrations multiplied as their calls for help were ignored. Some exiting members reported that CRI directed them to return to the church for counseling and that the church had changed.

Paul Carden, CRI International Outreach, met with Mike Feazell and Joe Tkach Jr. late in April of this year. The morning of his visit, Paul Carden contacted the Network requesting questions to relay to the WAT leaders. The Network was shocked that there was no preparation done by CRI for such an important issue and complied with their request.

Paul Carden admitted that he had not reviewed any Worldwide News publications, listened to any sermon tapes, visited any areas as a guest, interviewed any recent ex-members or current members, reviewed any Pastor General reports or Pastor General letters, or completed a study on the history of the WAT in regards to the documented corruption of the past. He stated he had a few booklets that the church had sent to him. Only a few days later, on May 5, 1994, Paul Carden broadcast on the Radio Answer Man that the WCG was a true Trinitarian, fully repented church, and certainly not window-dressing their doctrines to gain respectability.

Many remain shocked that noted counter-cult ministries would align with an organization that has been responsible for the ruin of thousands of lives in the past sixty years and flip their opinions following a few meetings with the same organizational leaders who were part of that destruction.

The answer to this phenomenon may lie in the pages of the "CRI Accountability Report" compiled by twenty-four past employees of CRI. President Hank Hanegraaff and several others on the executive board are being sued in court for the following:

1. Civil R.I.C.O. ACT violations (Soliciting and misappropriating charitable contributions-mail fraud and wire fraud.)

2. Illegal seizures of Fax Wire communications

3. Violation of Constitution and First Amendment Rights

4. Wrongful termination

5. Occupational Safety Hazards

6. Writ of Mandate for Reinstatement with Back pay and Skelly-Type Hearing

7. Injunctive and Declaratory

8. Replevin for Return of Personal Property


10. Slander and Defamation of Character

Full details are disclosed in the Group for CRI Accountability ($5.00), and the Court Report ($1.00). Order by contacting Mr. Robert Bowman, 1452 Ridge Court, Lithonia, GA 30058. This thick report will provide much insight into the deceptions of leaders thriving under the guise of religion. Many will find the documented experiences enlightening. Particularly interesting, is this excerpt from Mr. Perry Robinson's letter. Mr. Robinson had witnessed the unjustified lifting of the cult label from other noted destructive cults as was recently done with the Worldwide Church of God. Mr. Robinson documents the following:

"It has also been my experience that CRI leadership has covered up evidence against such groups as SET FREE and had under the table dealings with the said group. I personally witnessed over 500 pieces of mail bypass Accounts Receivable/Correspondence Processing and go directly to 'Hank's office' via Jane Huckaby. Some of the letters from SET FREE I knew to be false. When I tried to log the letters in the back of CRI where all mail for up to 2 yrs is kept, the letters were nowhere to be found. I asked Jane Huckaby about this, and she told me personally that Hank had had a phone conversation with Phil Agular where Agular had taped Hank without knowing it. Hank had, according to Huckaby, said many compromising things that Agular had taped. Those letters were never to be seen again to my knowledge.

"Other incidents include dealings with different groups like YWAM, where evidence was ignored just because Hank was assured by leaders of YWAM that they were not teaching heresy any longer. So, Hank pulled all negative info on them..." (Emphases in bold is ours)

It will be interesting to learn what inspired Hank Hanegraaff to make such critical, intentional decisions!

[UPDATE 2003: CRI in the News Again]

An informative tape, "Deceptive Groups Claiming to be Christian," may be ordered from Texe Marrs: Power of Prophecy, 1708 Patterson Rd., Austin, Texas 78733, phone 1-800-234-9673

Individuals interested in voicing their opinion or thoughts about the duplicity and deceptions personally experienced or witnessed and would like to write letters to the counter-cult organizations, may contact the Network for the COP-AID information package and address listing. [Note: This is no longer available. ESN material is now posted on the website.] Included will be additional interesting facts and documentation regarding the select coalition working with the WAT leaders.

Part Two of this series will define the "changes" and clarify differences stated to the Christian public/media and the membership. Also, what is the story behind the WCG and British-Israelism/Identity Movement? Stay tuned!

NETWORK Affiliates from Afar

Hello from Canada:

"Nothing has changed!" At least that is what the local pastor said when I questioned him about the changes that have occurred within the WCG. As the ministers and members battle with some new terminology, the theme of THE LAW and God's government prevails in the sermons. Stress continues as Regional Minister Frank Brown insists that members DO NOT go over their minister's head in contacting Pasadena with questions. Likewise, Mr. Brown refuses to answer questions from non-members and instead directs them to Pasadena.

While the Plain Truth offers a new recruiting format with more Christian articles and less prophecy/social scare attractions, the famous "four horseman of the apocalypse" can be seen trotting across the T.V. screen during the highest rated supper hour news. Another popular ad seems to be, The Spirit World and Inside the Book of Revelations. This continuation of the same old recruiting strategy remains popular in Canada as many people received the Plain Truth and were avid followers of Armstrongism. These same people are now being invited to join the Church with open arms (love-bombing to boot). Evangelism and advertising efforts seem to be taking hold under the same old Armstrongism theme. Yes, Herbert Armstrong is highly esteemed by the ministry as the guiding light to the present. (Representative of a pillar of cloud, if you will.)

Apparently the plans for the first North American WCG building have fallen through. Mr. Brown told the membership it was due to escalating costs of construction.

Many have left the local Canadian churches and are on the road to recovery. A great time was had by 40 ex-members as we met for a picnic in August. Many shared their positive experiences following their exit form the WCG.
Brent and Debbie Leeson

[The Network is not surprised to hear that the plans for the first North American church building fell through. This same idea was put forth in the seventies in effort to gather new enthusiasm from the members. This more recent proposal was issued simultaneously to announcing the removal of World Tomorrow telecasts from the big screen. The prospect of building new church facilities appears to be a little carrot on a big stick and many have become discouraged over what they term, "another deception." As the WCG maneuvers recruiting and ad strategies, the new church buildings promise offers great distraction. Recently, members have told the Network that ministers are pushing the members to sign up for the new discount rate phone fund-raiser with UniDial Long Distance Service. The church now claims these proceeds will go toward "new church buildings." Exiters from the 1970's say...Don't hold your breath!"]

Aye from Australia:

As you may have guessed, many members react to the changes by saying, "What changes? Nothing's been changed except a few ways of explaining things." While some are thrilled that the WCG is shedding past embarrassing doctrinal baggage, others are fleeing to Flurry, Meredith, or Garner Ted. A few have dropped out in a more idiosyncratic way.

.... Sermons continue to exercise control on the members by drilling obedience to the Law and loyalty to Mr. Tkach while they continue to trumpet the "one true church theme." Excommunication continues for members (widows included) who raise serious questions or elicit "bad attitudes" for questioning the minister about the teachings of the church. Of the cases I have known, no effort has been made to emotionally or spiritually restore these rejected people. Sadly, confusion has been so significant that some disfellowshipped members have committed suicide. Members are being taught that failure to follow Mr. Tkach and obey and support the ministry is the sure road to spiritual death. When I personally told a minister of my agony over such abuses, I was told that the policy was for HQ to lead such erring ministers by example! How can the ministers be more tolerant if they receive the same treatment from HQ as they inflict on or upon the members?

Adding to the confusion are Dr. Stavrinides' tapes explaining his version of the Trinity. These tapes are reportedly leaving members so baffled they find it simpler not to question them and just get on with the day at hand. What appears to be happening is that many are left feeling inferior in spiritual understanding and possibly lacking God's Spirit for discernment. It's another form of repression.

As Flurry's group appears to be slowing in growth and Church of God International with Garner Ted increases its mailing of tapes to WCGers, Meredith's Global Church has gained perhaps 100 or so members. The pro-Armstrong factions seem to be gaining interest in the Global Church of God also. At least one local pastor is widely known to be encouraging defectors to go to Meredith if they must leave at all.

All this spiritual confusion makes sense after corresponding with Mark Kellner, writer for Christianity Today. He wrote to me stating he has met with the Joe Jr. team and that the church was no longer a cult. He stated he has taken the "leader's word at face value and trusted them." If this is an example of what is available for Christian guidance for cult members, God help us all!
Neil Godfry

Dear Neil,

Many ex-members shockingly learn that they are disfellowshipped for no reason following their quiet departure from the church. Several called into Pasadena, only to learn that they were listed as DF'ed and labeled as "joined Flurry" or
"luring members away" Victims have expressed that this was an overt lie and abusive toward them, following their many years of dedication.

As you may have guessed, the Dr. Stavrinides' Trinity tapes created no small stir in the U.S. either. For a topic so sensitive as the TRINITY, many were startled over the confusion and contradictions the tapes seem to generate. Equally exhausting was the very difficult to understand Greek dialect of Dr. Stavrinides. We recommend a study in the techniques utilized in cults under the heading of Mind Control and Programming. Psychotherapist David Neswald from Encino, CA specializes in this field and has worked with hundreds of ex-cult patients from around the world. In The California Therapist magazine, Vol. 3, Issue No. 5, pg. 47-50, Mr. Neswald, lists over twenty types of cult programming techniques.

Two significant programs listed are:

1. "Scrambling Programs: These programs intend to confuse, disorganize and/or block the patient's alter system, emerging memories, thought processes, and /or incoming information."
2. "Flooding Programs: Such programs are enacted by the cult in order to interfere with therapeutic progress/process by overwhelming the patient. This is achieved by triggering the patient [or member] to have a flood of painful and frightening cognitive and/or somatic memories enter consciousness simultaneously, thereby significantly increasing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), symptomotology and suppressing the functionality of the patient. A wide variety of triggers may be utilized."

Another topic for research is "dialectical materialism" (double-speak; i.e. the combining of opposites. Whenever a person or people can be seduced into simultaneously accepting, two opposing beliefs as true, they are, by that, rendered docile, passive and indifferent to the advances of their enemy. The goal is to neutralize the people. This concept is known as Psychological Warfare or brainwashing. Totalitarian governments of all sizes use these techniques to gain control of their people. Karl Marx was very fond of this technique!

Education + Investigation = Emancipation
"People who are ignorant will always look for a dictator so they won't have to think for themselves!"
Holocaust survivor

Therapeutically Speaking...

Each OIU will address particular issues regarding psychological and emotional effects from cults. Although cults vary in degree regarding the methods applied toward their victims, the devastating effects are similar.

The healing process is individual and essential. One does not exit a controlling, coercive, deceptive and abusive environment without experiencing post cult trauma in some capacity. It is virtually impossible to healthily readjust to the outside world without having an understanding of the cultic life one had experienced. There are some who live the "stuffed turkey" syndrome. That is when one exits and represses the whole experience by flatly refusing to sort out the facts or accepts that he/she too, may have been severely harmed.

Where Do the Feelings Go?

In addition to having to deal with pre-cult problems, cult victims must first work through the posttraumatic stress and emotional disabilities caused directly from the cult.

The healing process consists of several stages:

1. Evaluating your involvement. Why were you recruited? What attracted you to the group? What was going on in your life at that time?
2. Evaluating the group. Intellectually and theologically
3. Scrutinize the group's ethics. Where does the MONEY really go? Learn the methods of thought reform/mind control used by the cult. Investigate the group's practices of deception, manipulation, persuasive techniques, etc. Research the group's history and its leaders.
4. Personal Recovery. Recognizing post-cult effects such as depression, anger, floating, fear phobias, isolation, loneliness, loss of self-worth, physical ailments and lacking feeling. Starting a help-yourself program and/or counseling.
5. Sorting out spiritual issues. Recognizing spiritual abuse and tactics used by cults to distort the Bible to support their agendas. Reconnecting spiritually regaining trust.
6. Cult education. How does the cult you were in compare to the thousands of others? Understanding the cult phenomenon is the only protection from re-recruitment into another cult.

Recovery Issues After Exiting a Deceptive, Abusive Group

Many have stated that exiting a cult was the most difficult task they have had to endure throughout their life. Confronting the obstacles of exiting takes great courage and real faith. However, exiting is only part of the process toward freedom. Healing from the victimization completes the process. As one so aptly stated, "I left the Worldwide, but the Worldwide didn't leave me!" Unless the healing process is challenged, one can find that five years later, they are still enduring confusion, anger outbursts, anxiety or cult related phobias among many other things.

Getting the Group Out of Us

Upcoming OIU issues will cover these specific issues and more. [UPDATE: See OIU #2, Vol. 1 for the continuation of how to recover]

Post-cult: dependencies, de-doctrinating self, mental and spiritual healing, disassociation, dealing with phobias induced by the cults, kids in the cults and leaving loved ones behind.

Cult tactics: Propaganda, hypnosis, degrading of self, programming recruits/members, control/coercion, manipulative factors such as denigration of critical thinking, group pressure, isolation, dissociative exercises, guilt induction, deception, triggers, thought stopping techniques, etc. 

Recommended reading:

Captive Hearts, Captive Minds: Freedom and Recovery from Cults and Abusive Relationships by Madeline Tobias and Janja Lalich

Releasing the Bonds (Hassan's latest and updated book. The Strategic Interaction Approach" is a goal-oriented, therapeutic course of action that can be initiated and implemented by motivated relatives, friends, and anyone who wants to help others become free from destructive mind control. Also a chapter on "Unlocking Phobias.")

The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: Recognizing & Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church by David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen


News To You

"Ambassador College is now fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools!" says Joseph Tkach. "We are grateful for the members' prayers, and support..." [We are told thirty percent of college costs are actually being funded by members' dollars.] As of July 1, Ambassador College changed it name to Ambassador University, "a term that is a more appropriate description of the range and diversity of programs and opportunities that are provided by Ambassador," (Joseph Tkach in his June 30, 1994 letter to "Fellow Laborers with Christ.")

* Cult watchers were quite surprised about the new college business. As one ministry stated, "I guess that's why they have been sending some of their ministers to liberal schools for theology degrees." Accreditation means following a particular criteria for acceptability, especially regarding belief systems. Future updates will elaborate on this.
* One insider stated that "54" countries were represented in the student body. That would explain increased Green Card immigration information in the Worldwide News.
* Some Ambassador College Alumni have been approached to donate to the Alumni Association. The accreditation people were not pleased that the college did not have an alumni base to support it. "We need at least 80% donations so it will good for the accreditation, even if it is only $1.00 from each person, it will still look good," said the collector to the graduates. One AC graduate says, "That's a scam!"
* The Worldwide News, July 26, `94 printed the following statements. "Will graduates before the Class of 1995 gain any retroactive benefit from accreditation?" "(When graduates apply to graduate schools or for jobs, they should use the name Ambassador University. Accreditation should not be raised unless others raise it. Then merely state that Ambassador University is accredited, not when it was accredited.)"

The article goes onto say....

What school would be listed if a replacement diploma were needed? "Replacement diplomas would read Ambassador University and have Mr. Tkach's signature. Only someone who has actually lost the original diploma and really needed a replacement should request one, however." (The cost is $25.00)
While some AC graduates may be thrilled about this accreditation and find this article helpful, others view it as another moneymaking ploy that has nothing to do with spreading the Gospel. Also, the article appears to be very deceptive.
Accreditation has also opened doors to government grants, which in turn adds more disposable income to the tax-free church. Students began receiving Pell grants this year. "These funds allow the college to redirect to other areas, money normally set aside for student financial aid." (WWN) Many hope this doesn't mean more "personal home improvements" for evangelists!

The Tithe of the Tithe (10% of 2nd tithe) collected from members pre-feast supposedly to defray the costs of the hall rentals at feast time, has apparently been applied to many other expenses. The WWN, April 5, 1994 prints a correction on page 12 clarifying some discrepancies by saying, "The tithe-of-the-tithe fund pays the expenses of all of the Church's festivals, not only the Feast of Tabernacles. In addition, this fund supplies the second tithe allotment for ministers employed by the Church."

This is a very upsetting issue for those who paid many dollars into the WCG tithing system, because they feel they have been deceived regarding the allocation of their money. It is well known that the ministers travel first class and have the finest accommodations at each feast. Why, people wonder, were they pushed into paying for the luxuries of the ministers when they themselves went without? The law states that money collected must be applied toward the stated purpose. Application in any other degree, especially without warning constitutes fraud! Is this the reason a clarification and correction was made?

"Waterhouse" alert!

The famous South African born well traveled evangelist of the past several decades, was apparently retrieved from retirement in 1993 and has been doing a tour of local churches in the U.S. and Philippines. A more recent sermon called, "What is Jesus Doing At This Time?" has been circulated to churches and has caused quite a reaction from several circles. Among the ninety minutes of awesome Gerald Waterhouse "insight," he tells the members that God has stripped away the things that enable Satan to identify the church and bring on persecution. Waterhouse elaborates that God has put the church in the mainstream of religion for a reason and that is the way Christ has always worked--by hiding. "God had Joseph take Jesus and hide him in Egypt from King Herod," He's weaving His people in and out of Satan's tactics [orthodox Christianity] to get us where we ought to be." "So, God used the method of hiding Jesus until it was time. Now the WCG is his [Christ's] body. So, it's up to Christ to hide his body, until it is ready to do the job for which it has been raised up. To get us where we ought to be. So God has trimmed off a lot of those things that make us look like a cult or sect."

Many members and a few counter-cult watchers were shocked by this tape, which was approved and mailed by headquarters (HQ) to churches. Several contacted HQ and voiced their concern. As expected, they were told that Gerald Waterhouse is no longer employed by the WCG and that HQ had nothing to do with the circulation of this very revealing tape. So, as HQ passes the buck with denial, the Waterhouse message remains ingrained in the minds of WCG members. The damage is done! Why, others wonder, hasn't Waterhouse been publicly disfellowshipped and his sermon openly denounced if it was, in fact, true that Waterhouse was acting independently?

[UPDATE 2002: Gerald Waterhouse later left WCG and joined United Church of God, AIA, in 1995. He died September 4, 2002 after a long illness.]

Pastors and Evangelists on the move. It was reported in the WWN that Evangelist Larry Salyer, was retired; however, the PGR, May 25, `94, told the ministers that Larry Salyer was disfellowshipped, but not to read the announcement to the membership. The fact is Mr. Salyer has joined brother evangelists Carl and Raymond McNair in the Global Church of God [later known as Living Church of God], along with Wesley Webster and his Guyana church. Much disinformation about David Hulme has surfaced these past few months. One says, "He's still with the WCG," the other says, "He's joined his father with Flurry." One thing is for certain, his name has been deleted from the contributing writers section on the Plain Truth in the October issue. 

[UPDATE 2003: David Hulme left UCG-AIA in 1998 and formed "Church of God," Pasadena, California; a group which "traces its antecedents to Sabbatarian roots in 17th-century Europe" and publishes a quarterly titled, "Vision--Journal for a New World." He proclaims most of Herbert Armstrong's teachings in his literature.] [UPDATE 2004: Carl McNair died April 14, 2004 of bone cancer. He was a minister in Living Church of God. Raymond McNair is with Church of God - 21st Century, which claims to "serve the affiliated churches of God." He continues to preach Herbert Armstrong's doctrines]

Do You Know Where Your Children Are? If you don't, the WCG probably does. In conjunction with the evangelistic/Open House-recruiting strategy, the WCG has targeted the youth of the country. Other cults, such as the Moonies, International Church of Christ and Jehovah's Witnesses do a big business with the younger population and WCG has made it very clear to the membership that they intend to keep the youth in the church. Some youth target tactics include:

· Youth Educational Services (YES) is now called, "Pre-teens." Many new programs have been implemented in local churches along with an increase in youth participation in services.
· Youth `94 magazine has taken the place of the Plain Truth in libraries, doctor offices and schools. Yes, schools! People from all over the country have noticed the FREE magazine positioned right in the public schools' libraries. Librarians, office executives, and principals are all shocked to learn that it is really the "Plain Truth people" inside the cover.
· Youth `94 is also offering many publications to its young readers. The same slick "mail for our booklets FREE of charge" slogan permeates the pages.
What's all the YOUTH fuss about? One WCG minister relayed to members that surveys indicate a child's direction is set by eleven years of age, "so the church has to hook them by that time."

Opening New Markets. As the WCG incorporates and receives registrations in the Philippines, Mexico, Portugal, Italy (and other Trinitarian countries), it also expands its membership into the U.S. Spanish speaking territories. It seems two new Spanish-speaking churches have just been started in the heart of Florida these past few months. The new to the U.S. brethren are very delighted with all the WCG promises and show great enthusiasm with new fund-raising for WCG ventures. Many are very thankful God landed them safely on the U.S. shore to specifically respond to God's calling into His church! As new country registrations continue to increase, the WCG reminds its readers that, "registration brings benefits at banks and post offices, and allows purchases in Church's name." (WWN, March `94) It is still unclear whether registrations are in the name of the WCG, or under the Ambassador University, or Ambassador Foundation.

God changed his mind about the Gospel and his "calling" system, but the tithing commands will never change! Space will not permit a thorough review of the 1993 Audited Financial Report, but does allow us to question the following:

1. Who are the 77 individuals who formerly were longtime employees that currently receive discretionary assistance? (third-tithe assistance) And why are they receiving it?
2. What are the "Selected Worldwide Affiliated Organizations," that consume so much of the impoverished members' money?
3. The audit states, on page 13, "The church is currently making discretionary payments to certain former employees of approximately $1,732,000 annually. These discretionary payments are provided based upon the employee's needs and, accordingly, could be discontinued in the future. No amounts have been accrued in the accompanying combined financial statements for future payments relating to these arrangements."

What does this mean exactly? This statement is disturbing to many because there is great concern about high-level ministers who leave the WCG being offered a written contract with on-going sums of money to insure silence. It certainly answers the question, "Why don't more former ministers go public about the years of deceit and reported corruption and abuses?" Do the new open door policies mean the secrecy will end? Will the membership start to get the real facts about the money allocations?

Anyone interested in their own copy of the Financial Report prepared by Coopers & Lybrand may write to the church Financial Affairs office headed by Steven Andrews CFO.

One more thing: The 1993 report also indicates "Members of the Church practice tithing (which is the donation of ten percent of one's [gross] income for the Church's unrestricted use). The majority of the Church's revenue consists of such unrestricted donations."

Those members who have been financially destroyed due to the three tier tithing "command" will also find this statement amusing, "Members who are financially able contribute an additional ten percent of their annual [gross] income to the Church Assistance Fund. This is commonly referred to as third tithe." [emphasis --editor.] This offers the public a very different tone than the Pay -Stay- and Decay result from obeying the commands of Jesus as directed by Joseph Tkach.

Exiting members state that ministers are increasing the pressure on the tithing issues. Apparently the tithing talk on the local levels is much harsher than the way Glen Nice (member assistance coordinator in church administration) states it in his article, "Sensible Ways to Secure Your Money and Your Future." "The first law of success in any endeavor is pleasing God. In the case of finances, honor to God is shown by tithing. God tells us the whole world is His (Psalm 50:10-12) and Jesus sanctioned the practice of tithing (Matt 23:23). If you have question about tithing or are a little confused as to what is expected of you, you should discuss it with you minister." (WWN, Aug. `94) [Good Luck!!!]

Glen Nice also quotes Karl Marx: "A democracy is not a form of government to survive. For it will only succeed until its citizens discover they can vote themselves money from the treasury, then they will bankrupt it."

A Church in Decline?

Some have reported that WCG is in decline. This certainly would make sense seeing that many have left the church while others have incorporated a "wait and see" attitude about tithing. However, many questions arise from the 1990 WCG transition. Would the Tkach team have instituted a change without feeling secure that their financial structure was protected? The WCG income was about $70 million in 1978 and according to Mike Hollman, director of data processing at that time, there were only about 40,000 members in the computer. Between 1979 and 1990, very little recruiting occurred. (Pastor General Report (PGR), May `94, in speaking about the telecast responses stated, "Between 1986 and 1991--the percentage of those who progressed to membership was extremely low.") Economic depression was also prevalent between 1977 through 1982. The financial strain continued throughout the last six years. One must wonder, how has the WCG managed to increase its income to $200 million, plus, in twelve short years and during a decade when recruiting was down and the economy was depressed? Where did the money come from? Could it be from the "Selected Affiliated Organizations?" What was the contingency plan in case fifty percent of the membership defected after aligning with the Armstrong beast power? (Catholic/Protestant Christianity). What portion of the Church revenue consists of tithing from members and how much is the church supported by other means??? [Read: Myth 1 and 2 for more]

The May PGR stated the following answer to the question, "What does the Church mean when it says it 'cannot afford" a 30-minute telecast anymore?" Reply, "Compared to the cost of television commercials, a broadcast is far more expensive. Also, a church with hundreds of congregations and thousands of members must set priorities on expenditures. When we say we cannot afford a 30-minute telecast, we mean that we do not want to spend a large amount of money on a 30-minute telecast while we ignore other basic needs, like local buildings for our church congregations, or financial considerations for ministers and employees, including such things as a retirement plan. Moreover, ads are a much less expensive way of bringing people into contact with the Church."

As the WCG removes The World Tomorrow telecast, it increases its spot ads. The ads frequently air in key time slots throughout the US and Canada. So while much disinformation spouts out from the WCG - HQ regarding money woes, the facts remain that there is plenty of money to implement the new recruiting/evangelistic training programs and Open Houses.

What did Jesus have in mind when he said, "I will build my church?" L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, shares this thought: 
"If you want to get rich, start a religion!"


--Ambassador College received a Federal Communications, Commission (FCC) license, March 23, 1994, to broadcast on its own radio station.

--The church IBM 370 mainframe was decommissioned on March 11th, only to be replaced by a new AS/400 computer. The new computer system effectively allows sharing of information with their offices around the world. For a more thorough understanding on the way the WCG uses its computers to track its members, order the Mike Hollman (former head of Data Processing) tape ($5.00) from Watchman Fellowship, P.O. Box 13340, Arlington, TX 76094-0340.

--As the WCG enhances recruiting strategy through its PR campaign with community services, evangelism, Open Houses, newspaper photo op, fairs (distributes the YOUTH `94 magazine), it also modifies some of the inside church behavior that has not been so appealing to newcomers--members can now clap during special music and women are allowed to wear pants!

--A new Let's Talk video program is being used by Church pastors in efforts to improve marital skills within the church. It has been reported that a church survey indicated that seventy percent of Ambassador College graduates' marriages end in divorce. These shattering statistics certainly show "God's way of life and government from the top down, as stated by the WCG," doesn't work!

From Our Mailbag  mailbox

Thank you for all your letters and for taking the time to share your feelings with us. Limited space allows just a sampling.

I found the information to be very helpful and enlightening! However, I would like to suggest including information about how WCG lacked the Godly love it purported to have and especially how racist WCG is. After all, it wasn't over doctrinal issues that I left the WCG- it was over the lack of love and the racism. After leaving, I found out how flaky the doctrines were in the WCG. I am an African American and I would dare say that most African Americans leave the WCG because of the racism, not because of some change in doctrine. During my time in the WCG, virtually no one wanted to talk about the racial problems. I believe if gathered testimonies from African American, Hispanic, and Asian ex-WCG members as to their experiences as far as race is concerned, they would make credible testimonies to illustrate another destructive facet of the WCG.
[I believe you're right! How about others writing us about their experiences]

Please keep trying to set up support groups and hopefully with a leader trained in WCG mind control.

I was in the WCG from 1969 until 1981. I was one who waited for the church to flee in 1972 and for Jesus to return in 1975. I listened very intently to Raymond Cole, Rod Meredith, Brice Clark, Wayne Cole, Herb, Ted and Ron Dart. Now, what does one do? Quite a number of people left the church when I did. Not one is attending any church. No one knows what to do. If you have any information on cults, please send me some. I will pass it on to the other former WCG members in my area. The deacons that came out when we did don't seem to know anymore then the rest of us. I will be anxious to hear from you.
W. Virginia

[Update: Ron Dart later founded Christian Educational Ministries and is airing on a number of Christian radio with his program "Born to Win." He continues to teach Herbert Armstrong's doctrines. - 2004]

My family and I have left the WCG. Please forward any information that might help us recover from the experience.

It is very refreshing to read about people like yourself and your husband who are involved in helping those who have exited and are exiting the WCG. My wife was in for 25 years and I for six years. It's been a great challenge to come out of this "faith" and control. It's been much more difficult for my wife than me, but difficult nevertheless. It does shake a person's stability. It's caused us to do some homework in comparative religion study and watch, with a critical eye, everything said by people preaching the gospel. We both would like to hear about your group and what you do to assist people regaining confidence in themselves and God. We have a need to learn how others handle this particular problem.

Thank you once again for all the information you sent me. I enjoyed talking to you over the phone. You were a lot of help to me. If I never meet you and your family in this life, I'm sure we'll meet in the Kingdom of Heaven.
North Carolina

I am going through a lot of confusion and pain right now, trying to understand if WCG is really a cult. Mr. Tkach and his son certainly seem to be setting out to change its image lately. But do I still want to stay with this group? How wrong is it? I know I will have a lot of problems to cope with in leaving my friends behind and being shunned by them and having nowhere to go. I can't begin to tell you how messed up this has made my mind. I am almost afraid to think what will happen if others in the WCG here find out how I am thinking. If you can help me with any other information, I will really appreciate it.

My husband and I recently left WCG after being members for seven years. I hope to never get involved with organized religion again. I also hope to never be so foolish as to put an organization or a man between me and God again. It's a funny feeling, though, to think you had all the answers and then to find out you don't have any of them. I have to wonder at the gall of people who mislead others in the name of God. Don't they fear the Day of Judgment when they will have to give account? Well my prayers are with all the ex-members of the WCG. I hope we can all finally begin to have a real relationship with God.
[Well said! Refer to Chap. 5, Captive Hearts Captive Minds for a thorough understanding of the characteristics of cult leaders!]

I left the WCG last year. I have gone through so many emotions of disbelief, denial, confusion, anger, sadness, etc. I had been in WCG for twenty years. I was a "spiritual widow." Neither my husband nor children were in the WCG and they do not understand what I am going through. They don't want to talk about it, but I need to talk about it. For twenty years, the WCG was my life. It controlled how I thought and reacted to everything around me. I never, ever thought that I would someday be leaving it. I never really made friends outside of the WCG and now that I have left, all of my friends in the WCG have shunned me. I am at a point now where I am not certain what I should believe spiritually. I feel that I can't trust anyone, nor my own gut feelings. I certainly have been wrong before! I also have the feeling that I no longer belong anywhere that my foundations have crumbled. Where do we go from here?

The sound of your service is probably much needed. I think it is fairly well established by many (though not enough) that the WCG and many of its clones are cults. Perhaps, not a David Koresh or a Jim Jones cult, but nevertheless, psychologically and certainly financially destructive and abusive. Cults are dangerous in very subtle ways - their radioactive fallout too often has a very dangerous life span. "Toxic faith" is what one source calls it. While I feel I owe absolutely nothing to the WCG, I still feel I owe something to the brethren, despite the fact many either have or would condemn us - "you've lost God's Spirit;" "you're going into the 'Lake of Fire,'" etc. I'm sure you've heard them all. It hurts to care for such people who we once thought of as friends and brethren and to be condemned and shunned by them. I've only tried to help them. But does God really want me to try to help others who want to be deceived and abused doctrinally and financially? Can anyone truly help those who want to remain brainwashed? Do I really owe them anything, other than prayers for their eventual deliverance?

I dropped out of WCG after being unable to live up to their high standards. I alienated all my relatives and friends since being in the church. I can't seem to make friends outside, as no one wants to listen to things related to the WCG. I am very lonely and don't fit in anywhere. Please send information.

I was kicked out of WCG several years ago. I was shunned. A man in the church had molested my son. I was scolded for calling the police. My husband divorced me (WCG member). I have not been able to get over the 22 years of the WCG. I need help and I need help from others.

The WCG is quite an obnoxious cult, but the external appearance remains attractive and intoxicating. God save us from the cult!

To Our Readers

Reading the thoughts of others is very helpful toward the understanding that you are not alone. Knowing that others are enduring the challenge of healing offers support during the trying times. Space will not permit us to include all your letters, but we will continue to print or quote your words in upcoming issues. The OIU will never list names unless specified to do so.

Please continue to write to the Network and keep us updated on your progress. Equally important as sharing your anger and frustrations, is the awareness that life really does get better. Share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions on how your life improved after the WCG experience. Through the OIU we can collectively reach out to one another.

Yes, a WCG Network is long past due. The isolated efforts of ex-members throughout the years could have had a far-reaching impact had they had the opportunity to support each other with their altruistic endeavors of helping the victims. A one-man band will eventually burn out, or turn its efforts inward. This Network belongs to the WCG victims. The success of it will depend on the input of ex-members and their willingness to take a stand on the platform of their precious knowledge and experience.

I have often been labeled high energy and dedicated to the cause. I will agree with that statement. However, the pace that I have maintained these past eight months is far stronger than one human being should endure. A heartfelt thank-you goes to those individuals who have connected with the Network and have participated in making it work. I would like very much to recognize those people, but will only print names upon approval.

I also thank those who have covered their postage and printing costs for all the supplies we have mailed. The financial contribution on our household has been significant. We hope that those who have benefited from our personal labors and sacrifices, but have not contributed, will consider covering the costs of the materials they have received. The exit packages and additional support materials have been instrumental in helping victims de-doctrinate and psychologically heal. As one exiter put it, "You saved me years of work and thousands of dollars."

It is our aim to issue an OIU regularly. We look forward to your input and hope you will participate in the writing of the: OUTSIDER'S INSIDE UPDATE

With Sincerity,
The Gang at the ESN

The OUTSIDERS' Inside UPDATE is published as a Christian service for those researching and investigating the reasons behind the events of the Worldwide Church of God demise. All rights reserved. © 

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