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            Rhema Title: We are loved not tested.                   

            Date Received:  December 2015


Tell My people I love them.


Tell them I am coming soon,


Tell them to be patient,


and wait for Me, as I have the last few,


to call, and prepare.


Tell them to be of good courage,


their patience shall be rewarded.


Tell them to love one another,


and to be concerned one for another,


as I have loved them.


Tell them to wait for Me.


Tell them to study the documents and My Word.


Tell them to fill their days with rejoicing and praising Me,


for it is their strength and their joy,


during these very dark days on the earth .


The days are far darker than they can imagine.


I see all, and it is beyond description.


The people are sick, sick, sick.


My whole beautiful creation upon the earth,


needs to be thoroughly cleansed,


so that not even a grain of sand is polluted by them.


My people be strong,


for I am with you, and I come soon, very soon.


We will rejoice together at My throne.


My people, who are called at this time,


a holy and special generation,


who have been called from the foundation of the earth .


Be patient and fill your hearts with rejoicing in My truth,


and My righteousness.


Praise Me always.


I give My people peace and joy and great blessing,


on this My day of rest , My Sabbath.



I do Not test people,

I cause people to test themselves.

I know them already.

It is not for My sake, that they are tested,

for Me to do so would mean, that I know them Not!

For anyone to think, that I am testing them,

in order to know, what way they shall choose,

is error, and worse!

Then, they shall choose to disguise their wickedness,

from My sight, rather than make their own ways repugnant

to themselves.

My people are to be able to stand trials,

as though they were nothing.

It starts by being hard on oneself,

judging everything with Righteous judgments,

not only is it worth it, it is the Only way. 

Rejoice ,My people Rejoice.


Fill your mouth with praises and worship to Me always.


Your Father in heaven loves you all very much.





                                                     The End blue 

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