New Rhema Heading 2009-12-21_165031.jpg 



                         We All Must  Act Now, and Consistently


As I have told you before, you must not expect everything

to come pre-packaged with the Holy Spirit. 

YOU have to make an effort, too,

otherwise you would just be robots WITH the Holy Spirit.


It is ALWAYS a question of choice. 


Choose Me, your Creator God, ALWAYS. 

That is how you defeat Satan. 


Do not say that you do not have temperance etc. 

Exercise it. 

It IS a fruit of the Holy Spirit.


It does, like a muscle, become stronger and more apparent WITH USE. 


Each of  My Attributes MUST be USED by you. 


You were not born with them.


If the apostles had always to counsel the CHURCH about their sin,

then ALL are vulnerable – My Body especially!

It is no easy thing to walk the Christian walk, the walk of My Son.


It takes determination, stamina, wisdom, purity. 

My Children need to have a firm, immovable,  unshakeable foundation in My Son.


You are not led away with every wind of doctrine

but all the churches certainly are.

All of you, AS you live by Me, and for Me,

will change the world FOREVER.

                                                                           The End blue